How Do I Pay for College?
Everything you need to know about financing your education
Money is the biggest obstacle to college for most people and the main reason trust in college as a good investment is at an all-time low. Our experts here at College Consensus have compiled helpful answers to the most common questions students of all ages and backgrounds have about paying for college. Before college Is . . . Read More

Guide to Sleep Hygiene for Teens and Young Adults
It's important to understand the impacts of sleep deprivation and lack of sleep on teens and college students. Knowing the recommended sleep time gives teens and university students a target to shoot for. Between 70% and 96% of college students don't get enough sleep. Only half of university students sleep more than seven hours. That number goes . . . Read More

Guide to Overcoming Substance Abuse in College: Resources for Recovery
College is a time of transition for many young adults. Along with opportunities to grow and thrive, students face tremendous pressure to perform. The temptation to blow off steam by trying alcohol or drugs, combined with the widespread availability of these substances, makes students vulnerable to substance abuse and addiction. Addiction actually rewrites neural pathways . . . Read More

Best Online Degrees for Working Adults
Top Career Change Ideas
The best colleges for adults returning to school are part of a sea change in the workforce and in higher education. Competition on the job market only increases each year, and workers who only have a high school diploma are at a disadvantage. The median earnings of workers with a bachelor's degree is 67% higher . . . Read More

Representation of Black Voices in the Classroom: High School and College Resources for Black History Month
Celebrated every February, Black History Month encourages educators and students, as well as all Americans, to explore African American history. Because the history of African Americans had been left out of history lessons, scholar Carter G. Woodson initiated Negro History Week in 1926 to encourage schools to recognize the historical significance of blacks in America. . . . Read More

135 Financial Literacy Resources for High School and College Students
Study after study has shown that Americans have poor financial literacy, and that American young people - teenagers and early 20s - are unfortunately among the lowest in knowledge and understanding. From student loan debt to credit card debt, American high school and college students struggle to understand financial decisions and the repercussions of bad . . . Read More

Online Student's Guide to Understanding Financial Aid and the FAFSA
Accredited online colleges accept federal financial aid just like traditional schools. If you are applying to an online degree program you should definitely fill out the FAFSA just as if you were planning to attend a traditional college. Whether you're pursuing a bachelor's degree as a first-year student beginning your college degree, a nontraditional or . . . Read More

An Online Student's Guide to the Common Application
Applying for college admission can be daunting, confusing, and stressful. You want to be sure you present yourself in the best light, complete all the forms, meet all the deadlines, etc. If you apply to more than one school, you can multiply that stress tenfold. Chances are good, however, that you’ll be able to complete . . . Read More

How to Write a College Application Essay
College admission is competitive, even for online students. While it’s not always the case, some schools require online and distance education applicants to write a college application (sometimes called a personal) essay, and other schools give you the option to write one or not. Most colleges and universities will use one of the centralized applications, . . . Read More

Online Student's Guide to Tuition Reimbursement and Assistance
Things changed for employers and employees when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the U.S. in 2020. Businesses that could send employees home to work remotely and those that weren't able to do that temporarily (or permanently) closed. As things began to return to normal, employers, for whatever reason, started having a difficult time finding employees. Employers . . . Read More

College Planning Guide for Online Students
Colleges have certainly changed. While the traditional image of vine-covered buildings sitting on a lush campus with students walking to classes on the same days at certain hours still exists, more students are opting for online degree programs. It’s been estimated that over 20 million Americans are enrolled in a college or university. Of that . . . Read More

Understanding College Credit for Work Experience
As you consider your future college options - after spending some time exploring the job market, it is important to determine if the programs of interest are offered by accredited colleges that give credit for work experience. Most colleges that accept work experience for credit do so by granting credits for a variety of previous . . . Read More

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Online Classes: What's the Difference?
Online classes are typically sorted into two categories —synchronous vs asynchronous classes. Wondering which type of online class is better - asynchronous vs synchronous learning? The answer to this online learning question depends on a number of relevant factors. The benefits of asynchronous learning depend on a student’s specific personality, learning style, and academic interest, . . . Read More

What is an Articulation Agreement?
Transferring between colleges is a common occurrence for students of all ages. However, it can be a bit difficult and sometimes unnecessarily expensive for those who do not take the time to understand the transfer process’s details (and associated risks). Each year, hundreds of thousands of students transfer from one postsecondary institution to another. To provide perspective, . . . Read More

10 Highest Paying Jobs in Healthcare
Best Paying Jobs in Health Care
Interested in a career or degree in healthcare? Here's our list of the best paying jobs in the healthcare industry. 1. Physician and Surgeon The median pay for physicians and surgeons is $208,000 per year. This averages out to $100 per hour. Not a bad salary and this clearly makes sense to be #1 on . . . Read More

10 Highest Paying Jobs With a Psychology Degree
Best Psychology Jobs
Over 40 million American adults suffer from mental illness every year with approximately 10 million of these individuals living with serious mental illnesses. Others do not suffer from severe illnesses but fight against the regular daily stressors that leave them feeling stressed, anxious, depressed or even a little panicky at times. In fact, anxiety is . . . Read More

Ultimate Guide to Reproductive Health in College
It is necessary for women in college to have accessible and safe healthcare information and services. They can protect themselves, make informed choices, and improve their quality of life. One of the crucial aspects of women’s care is reproductive health. When women obtain high-quality sexual and reproductive healthcare services, they can make excellent decisions about . . . Read More

The Ultimate Guide to College Women's Health, On-Campus and Off
In college and university, students face many pressures, contend with various obligations, and strive to achieve goals. Often, they do not have the time or the energy to invest in their own physical and mental health, leading to significant health issues down the line. Likewise, they may lack awareness of alarming symptoms, feel alone in . . . Read More

Soft Skills for College Students
Prospective and current college students face a very different post-graduate world than their parents. An incredibly competitive job market lies before them, with entry-level positions demanding more than ever before. Since most college students do not have further certifications, extensive work experience, or strong networks, it becomes increasingly important for college students to stand out . . . Read More

Ultimate Guide to College for Latinx & Hispanic Students
The United States is in the midst of an exciting demographic shift, as the American population is expected to reach a non-Caucasian majority by the year 2050. The fastest-growing minority population in the US is Latinx, and a large proportion of those people are children. In fact, it’s estimated that Latinos make up one of . . . Read More