Racial equity is one of the most important issues we face in today’s society. It is not enough to not be racist in order to fight racism — we must be actively anti-racist and promote justice and equality for all people, all the time and in every community, city, and state in the nation.
We have collected these 135 resources that promote racial equity in a variety of important ways.
Black Education Resources

New Teacher Center
The New Teacher Center serves all students from preschool through high school and works to put an end to educational inequities. The organization enables and empowers students to reach their full potential.
Black Teacher Project
The Black Teacher Project works to support black teachers who are committed to leadership. Their mission views schools as a place for liberation and transformation.
Rainier Scholars
Rainier Scholars works with students of color who come from low-income households to enable creates a pathway to a college graduation.
Page Education Foundation
The Page Education Foundation creates heroes through service and education and provides support and encouragement to students of color who wish to pursue higher education.
National Black Graduate Student Association (NBGSA)
NBGSA is the nation’s largest interdisciplinary graduate organization for Black students. The organization was founded in 1989 and advocates for black graduate students.
Jackie Robinson Foundation
The Jackie Robinson Foundation works to prepare future leaders and narrow the achievement gap in higher education. The Scholars Program provides generous 4-year grants, 42 strategies for success curriculum, job, and internship placement. The program has an amazing 98% graduation rate.
Seizing Every Opportunity (SEO)
Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO) matches talent with opportunities to propel human potential.
Leadership Conference Education Fund
The Leadership Conference Education Fund provides a strong voice for equality and takes a solid stance against discrimination.
The Eagle Academy Foundation Inc.
The Eagle Academy Foundation creates community leaders by working with a network college preparatory schools in urban communities to educate and mentor all male students grades 6 thru 12.
Thurgood Marshall College Fund
The Thurgood Marshall College Fund is the nation’s largest organization that exclusively represents the Black college community.
The UNCF offers scholarships, internships, and fellowships in an effort to achieve equality in education.
Educational Resources for Specific Professional Fields

National Action Council For Minorities in Engineering
The National Action Council For Minorities in Engineering is dedicated to helping minority people succeed in STEM education and careers.
National Association of Black Accountants (NABA)
NABA offers career resources, scholarships, and valuable professional connections for Black accountants and students entering the field of accounting.
National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
NSBE is a student-governed organization that works to increase the number of successful culturally responsible Black engineers.
National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice (NABCJ)
NABCJ is a non-profit association that was founded to provide leaders who work to improve the administration of criminal justice.
Black Girls Code
The Black Girls Code organization dedicated to increasing the number of women of color in STEM fields. The organization empowers and educates African American girls ages 7 to 17 to become leaders and innovators.
Regional Educational Resources

Harlem Academy
The Harlem Academy was established in 2004 and promotes equity of opportunity to promising students.
Florence Crittenton Services of Colorado
Florence Crittenton Services of Colorado works to prepare, educate, and empower teen mothers and their children to enable them to become productive community members.
Junior Achievement of Southeastern Michigan
JASEM leads, advances, inspires, and prepares youth in the community with programs and volunteer engagement.
Nashville Public Education Foundation
The Nashville Public Education Foundation is dedicated to supporting teachers and leaders in order to build schools where all children are allowed to thrive.
The Lyford Cay Foundation
The Lyford Cay Foundation in the Bahamas supports increasing educational attainment.
Wellspring House
The Wellspring House provides temporary shelter for families, as well as job training & placement, career & educational planning, and adult education.
Harlem Academy
The Harlem Academy is an independent school with merit-based admission in New York City that educates grades 1-8. The Academy prepares students for lifelong learning and teaches thoughtful citizenship.
Integrate NYC
Integrate NYC is a youth-led organization that was founded to fight for racial equity and integration in New York City’s schools.
Civil Rights

American Civil Liberties Union Foundation (ACLU)
The American Civil Liberties Union Foundation (ACLU) provides legal representation in legal cases that involve civil liberties and violations of constitutional rights. The ACLU educates the public about civil liberties and the rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.
Southern Poverty Law Center
The Southern Poverty Law Center works with communities to eradicate white supremacy and advance human rights for all people.
Advancement Project
The Advancement Project fights against racial inequity with innovative strategies and works toward a caring, inclusive, and just democracy in the United States.
Center for Constitutional Rights
The Center for Constitutional Rights fights for the justice and liberation of communities vulnerable to threat through advocacy, litigation, and strategic communications.
Equal Justice Initiative
The Equal Justice Initiative works to end excessive punishment and mass incarceration in the United States. The EJI challenges racial and economic injustices and fights to protects human rights.
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund
The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund crusades for racial justice across the United States using litigation, advocacy, and public education as tools.
National Urban League
The National Urban League is a civil rights organization that is dedicated to empowering and elevating the standard of living in underserved communities.
OneAmerica was originally known as the Hate Free Zone, OneAmerica is an immigrant and refugee advocacy group in Washington State.
People’s Action Institute
The People’s Action Institute is a national network of grassroots power-building organizations that are united in the fight for racial justice in the United States.
Public Advocates
Public Advocates is dedicated to strengthening voices in communities to fight the systemic causes of poverty and racial discrimination in public policy.
Race Forward
Race Forward partners with communities to fight and propel movements against systemic racial injustice.
Texas Civil Rights Project
The Texas Civil Rights Project uses legal advocacy and litigation as tools to protect and advance the civil rights of the people of Texas.
The Sentencing Project
The Sentencing Project has been working over the past 30 years to promote a more fair and effective criminal justice system in the United States.
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter is the most well-known organization for Black justice and equality. BLM was founded in 2013 after George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin’s killer was acquitted of murder.
Anti Racism Fund
The United States has a disgraceful history of systemic racism that recent events have put in the spotlight. The Anti Racism Fund was established to provide funding to organizations that work to eradicate racial injustice in our society.
Color of Change
Color of Change is dedicated to helping people respond to injustices they witness. Color of Change is 1.7 million strong and members work to push decision-makers to create and promote a less hostile world for Black people.
Community Justice Action Fund
The Community Justice Action Fund is committed to building power within Black communities to end gun violence.
Center for Constitutional Rights
The Center for Constitutional Rights was founded in 1966 by lawyers driven to help the civil rights movement in the South. The CCR is dedicated to advancing and protecting constitutional rights.
Equal Justice Initiative
The Equal Justice Initiative was founded in 1989 to challenge racial and economic injustice. EJI provides legal representation for people who have been wrongfully convicted, have received excessive prison sentences, or have been abused in jail or prison.
Campaign Zero
Campaign Zero has a mission to end police violence in America. The organization analyzes police practices, identifies effective solutions to end police violence, and pushes legislation to end police violence across the country.
Communities United for Police Reform
Communities United for Police Reform is dedicated to ending the discriminatory policing practices of NYPD.
Communities United Against Police Brutality
Communities United Against Police Brutality is an organization that works to end incidents of police brutality.
Leadership Conference Education Fund
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights is a coalition of more than 200 national organizations. Its mission is to protect and promote the civil and human rights of all people.
The Legal Rights Center
The Legal Rights Center is a nonprofit law firm in Hennepin County, Minnesota. The firm is community-driven and specializes in restorative justice practices and youth advocacy.
Youth and Community Development Resources

100 Black Men of America
100 Black Men of America is an African-American led mentoring organization for Black men.
National Black Child Development Institute
The National Black Child Development Institute has worked to engage leaders, policymakers, professionals, and parents on issues that have an impact on Black children and families.
The Brotherhood/Sister Sol
The Brotherhood/Sister Sol provides support and assistance to youth aged 8 to 22 and has a focus on leadership development, educational achievement, sexual responsibility, political education, and social justice.
United Community
United Community is a human services nonprofit agency that provides food, rental assistance, affordable childcare, ESL, citizenship classes, and family support to impoverished people.
EmbraceRace is dedicated to creating a community, gathering resources, assisting, and providing support for the challenges that skin color creates for children, families, and communities.
Pretty Brown Girl Foundation
The Pretty Brown Girl Foundation provides self-acceptance and leadership development programs, clubs, and events to combat adverse social issues that affect girls of color.
The Conscious Kid
The Conscious Kid is dedicated to promoting healthy racial identity development in children. The organization supports other organizations, families, and educators who are working to end racism in children.
Know Your Rights Camp
Colin Kaepernick’s Know Your Rights Camp is a movement to advance the liberation and well-being of black and brown communities.
Developing Responsible Economically Advanced Model-Citizens (D.R.E.A.M.)
D.R.E.A.M. is a nonprofit organization committed to educating and empowering urban kids so that they make smart financial decisions.
Regional Community Development and Racial Equity Resources

ALIGN: The Alliance for a Greater New York
ALIGN is an alliance of organizations that strive for a more just and sustainable New York.
Capital Region Community Foundation
Capital Region Community Foundation works to build thriving, inclusive, and uplifting communities where every person is respected and valued.
Community Foundation of Collier County
The Community Foundation of Collier County was founded in 1985 to serve as a collaborator, convener, catalyst, and pipeline to address community issues.
Community Foundation of Grant County Indiana
The Community Foundation of Grant County Indiana works to connect people, resources, and causes for the betterment of the community.
Community Foundation of Tampa Bay
The Community Foundation of Tampa Bay strives to make positive changes in Tampa Bay through innovative projects, and providing resources to help community organizations thrive.
Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands
The Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands manages more than 100 named funds, awards, and scholarships. The organization funds community programs, awards grants, and coordinates the establishment of memorial funds.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
The Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts manages almost 600 named funds that are used to serve the Pioneer Valley and make a difference to the community.
Community Foundation Sonoma County
The Community Foundation Sonoma County connects people, ideas, and resources to help the people of the community.
Community Voices Heard (CVH)
Community Voices Heard is a black-led organization in New York State that is dedicated to building power in Black, brown, and low-income communities.
Foothills Community Foundation
The Foothills Community Foundation promotes philanthropy and provides a catalyst for a positive impact in the community.
Headwaters Foundation for Social Justice
Headwaters Foundation for Social Justice is dedicated to amplifying the power of the community in order to advance racial equity and justice.
Louisville Urban League
The Louisville Urban League is committed to ending racism and its devastating impact on the community.
Make the Road New York
Make the Road New York works to build power in immigrant and working-class communities and has a goal of dignity and justice for all people.
Midland Area Community Foundation
Midland Area Community Foundation is dedicated to providing philanthropic leadership to strengthen the community.
Mississippi Center for Justice
The Mississippi Center for Justice is dedicated to dismantling public policies that keep Mississippi at the bottom of almost every human well-being indicator.
North Carolina Community Foundation
The North Carolina Community Foundation provides community assistance in North Carolina through more than 1,300 endowments.
North Texas Community Foundation
The North Texas Community Foundation is dedicated to strengthening an 11-county region of Texas through philanthropy and civic leadership.
Pillsbury United Communities
Pillsbury United Communities is a system of neighborhood centers, programs, and social enterprises that empower individuals and families.
Assata’s Daughters
Assata’s Daughters is a youth organization in Chicago led by women. The organization is located in Chicago and is rooted in black tradition.
Organizations for the Empowerment of Black Women

The National Coalition of 100 Black Women
The National Coalition of 100 Black Women connects Black girls and women with educational opportunities, community programs, mentors, and professional development in the fields of health, education, and economics.
Black Women’s Blueprint
Black Women’s Blueprint is dedicated to social justice organizing in order to promote the struggle of Black women and girls in the context of larger racial concerns.
SisterLove, Inc.
SisterLove, Inc. is an organization dedicated to providing HIV/AIDS education, prevention, support, and advocacy for human rights and reproductive justice.
The National Council of Negro Women
The National Council of Negro Women is an organization of 300 campus and community-based organizations that empower Black women, their families, and communities.
The National Black Women’s Justice Institute
The National Black Women’s Justice Institute works to conduct research, provide technical assistance, engage in public education, promote civic engagement, and advocate for informed and effective policies to reduce racial and gender disparities that affect Black girls, women, and their families.
The National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs
The National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs is dedicated to uplifting women, children, and families through community service, education, scholarships, and the promotion of racial harmony.
The National Congress of Black Women
The National Congress of Black Women is a nonprofit organization that is a voice of advocacy on issues involving women. The organization has a goal of increasing the participation of Black women in politics and education, as well as in economic and social settings.
Business and Professional Associations for Black Women

Black Career Women’s Network
The Black Career Women’s Network is dedicated to helping Black women build their careers with confidence, by providing strategies, and solutions.
The Black Women’s Playwright Group
The Black Women’s Playwright Group is a voice for female African American playwrights who write for professional theater.
National Association of Black Female Executives in Music and Entertainment
The National Association of Black Female Executives in Music and Entertainment is a networking, empowerment, and resource group for women in the music and entertainment industry.
African American Women in Cinema
AAWIC provides a platform, mentoring, and support for women of color filmmakers and works to create business opportunities for minority women filmmakers.
Gyrl Wonder
Gyrl Wonder is a professional initiative to empower ambitious young women of color ages 17-22.
Business and Professional Associations and Foundations

African American Success Foundation
The African American Success Foundation promotes a positive image of African Americans by highlighting success and achievements in the community.
Association of Black Cardiologists
The Association of Black Cardiologists works to promote the prevention and treatment of heart disease in Black people and other minority groups.
African American Environmentalist Association
The African American Environmentalist Association is dedicated to protecting the environment while increasing African American participation in the environmental movement.
African American Federal Executive Association
The African American Federal Executive Association works to advance African Americans into the senior ranks of the U.S. government.
American Association of Blacks in Energy
The American Association of Blacks in Energy was founded to ensure that African Americans are heard and involved in discussions and developments of energy policies, regulations, technologies, and environmental issues.
Minority Corporate Counsel Association
The Minority Corporate Counsel Association works to advance the hiring, retention, and promotion of diverse lawyers.
Association of Black Psychologists
The Association of Black Psychologists is dedicated to making a positive impact on Black mental health through its conventions, publications, and advertising.
Black Data
The Black Data is a collective of information technology thought leaders with membership including professionals and information technology, computer science, and STEM field students.
International Organization of Black Security Executives
The International Organization of Black Security Executives is dedicated to providing professional resources, education and training, and professional networking opportunities for minorities who are security professionals.
National African-American Insurance Association
The National African-American Insurance Association is a network of people of color who work within the insurance industry.
National Alliance of Black School Educators
The National Alliance of Black School Educators is a nonprofit organization the works to further academic success and improve the educational experiences of all children, particularly African American children.
National Association of African American Studies
The National Association of African American Studies works to provide faculty and students with an opportunity to pursue educational endeavors.
NABHOOD: National Association of Black Hotel Owners, Operators, and Developers
The National Association of Black Hotel Owners, Operators, and Developers seeks to increase the number of African Americans who develop, manage, and operate hotels.
National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ)
The National Association of Black Journalists is an organization of students, journalists, and other media-related professionals who advocate for Black journalists around the world.
National Black MBA Association, Inc.
The National Black MBA Association’s mission is to lead in the creation of opportunities for minorities to learn, grow, and build wealth.
Association of African American Vintners
The Association of African American Vintners was founded to increase awareness of the diversity in the wine industry, foster a spirit of cooperation and community, and facilitate access to relevant viticulture.
SOGAL is a female-led platform that is disrupting norms in venture capital and empowering diversity. The goal of the organization is to bridge the funding gap for entrepreneurs.
Black & Brown Founders
Black & Brown Founders provides help to Black and Latino entrepreneurs who have modest resources to launch and build tech businesses.
Black History and Culture

National Civil Rights Museum
The National Civil Rights Museum at the Lorraine Motel strives to teach visitors about American history and the Civil Rights Movement in order to promote positive social change.
Apollo Theater Foundation
The Apollo Theater Foundation is a partner in the projection of the African American narrative and serves as a platform for new Black artists, audiences, and the creative industry.
The HistoryMakers
The HistoryMakers is committed to preserving and promoting the personal stories of African Americans throughout history.
Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation
The Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation is a performing arts community that highlights African-American heritage and unites people of all races through dance.
Facing History and Ourselves
Facing History and Ourselves works to challenge teachers and students to use the lessons history taught us to stand up to and reject racism and hate.
The King Arts Complex
The Martin Luther King Jr. Performing and Cultural Arts Complex supports and engages the community through performances and cultural and educational programs.
African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund
The African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund is a historic preservation campaign working to restore important parts of African American history.
Facing History and Ourselves
Facing History and Ourselves helps communities and classrooms around the world learn about history in order to make better choices today and in the future.
Black Table Arts
Black Table Arts is an organization for Black artists with a mission to build community power, educate, and create places for leadership to thrive.
Boom Concepts
Boom Concepts is a creative community hub in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for black artists and creative entrepreneurs.
1HOOD is a collective of socially aware activists and artists who use art to raise awareness.
The Sphinx Organization
The Sphinx Organization in Detroit, Michigan works to transform lives through diversity in the arts.
Black Health Organizations

The Black Women’s Health Imperative
The Black Women’s Health Imperative works to protect and advance the health and wellness of Black girls and women.
Autistic People of Color Fund
The Autistic People of Color Fund was established in June 2018 to provide direct support, aid, and reparations for autistic people of color.
Black AIDS Institute
The Black AIDS Institute strives to provide high-quality HIV health services and care to Black people across the United States.
California Dental Association Foundation
The California Dental Association Foundation works to improve the oral health of all people in California by eliminating barriers to care in underserved communities.
Goochland Free Clinic and Family Services
The Goochland Free Clinic and Family Services provides basic human health services and care to community members in need.
International Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia Foundation
The International Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia Foundation is an organization dedicated to supporting patients affected by Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia and finding a cure.
National Health Law Program
The National Health Law Program litigates in state and federal courts to help advance access to high-quality healthcare for underserved and low-income people in the United States.
The End Fund
The End Fund works to provide treatment and care to people at risk of neglected tropical diseases so that they may live healthy lives.
National Health Law Program
The National Health Law Program is an organization of attorneys dedicated to advancing health rights and access to quality health care for underserved and low-income people. The organization is dedicated to eliminating racial healthcare inequities.
Sister Song
Sister Song is an organization with the mission of achieving reproductive justice for indigenous women and women of color.
The National Black Disability Coalition (NBDC)
The National Black Disability Coalition (NBDC) is an organization for all disabled Black people. NBDC is dedicated to improving community leadership, civil rights, entrepreneurship, family inclusion, education, and service delivery systems.
GirlTrek is a movement that is bringing one million Black women to walk in their neighborhoods for health and healing.
BET + United Way COVID-19 Relief Fund
The BET + United Way COVID-19 Relief Fund has been established in partnership with the United Way to provide support and relief to African Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Black Political Organizations

Black Voters Matter
Black Voters Matter is dedicated to increasing power in Black communities through effective voting so that communities may choose their own destinies.
Woke Vote
Woke Vote is working to change the face of politics across the country by increasing voter turnout across the country.
Higher Heights for America
Higher Heights for America is a political organization for Black women that is dedicated to advocating for a democracy that effectively represents, includes, and elects Black women.
The Collective Political Action Committee
The Collective Political Action Committee is dedicated to building Black political power by educating and equipping voters, donors, and political candidates with resources.