Are you a student looking for scholarships, grants, or other financial aid? Are you studying something like Law, Legal Studies, or Criminal Justice? Or maybe you are looking into one of the current popular majors like Homeland Security, Cybersecurity, Forensics? Undergraduate or graduate scholarships for Law and Legal fields really do exist. And we here at College Consensus will tell you just what to look for when starting your Criminal Justice and Legal majors scholarship search.
Recommended Online Criminal Justice Degree Programs
Start Your Career in Law Enforcement from Home
The glory of justice and the majesty of law are created not just by the Constitution…but by the men and women who constitute our society, who are the protectors of the law as they are themselves protected by the law. – Robert Kennedy
The Call to Serve
Ask any group of kids what they want to be when they grow up, and odds are, at least a few of them will say “policeman.” Not everyone, however, follows through with this plan into adulthood. With so many career options in criminal justice and law to choose from and so many law and criminal justice scholarships out there, there is no reason this childhood dream cannot become a reality. The Bureau of Labor and Statistics reports that for criminal justice workers including police, detectives, parole officers, court bailiffs, and correctional officers and jailers, can earn anywhere from $45k to $85k per year, depending on education, position, rank, and region. In the law profession, court reporters, paralegals, lawyers, and judges earn between $50k and $118k, with lawyers in the top-earning percentage. Law positions are expected to expand by 125,000 jobs between now and 2026, a nearly 10% increase. For criminal justice workers, employment of police and detectives is projected to grow 7% by 2026. Probation and correctional officers, as well as game wardens and security guard jobs, are projected to grow 6%.
The Cost of Being Dedicated to the Law
The two things that all of these professional fields have in common are their dedication to serving their communities and to the greater good, and that they require college degrees to be considered for employment. While there is a wide range of opportunities and potential jobs to consider, also know that the more school is needed for a career, the more money it will require to complete. The good news is, scholarships are plentiful for these service majors and can assist people greatly in financing their education. Most of these fields also have professional organizations students are eligible to join while in school, which may provide help with future job placement.
Student membership rates are often discounted, and some organizations even offer scholarships to those matriculated or even just starting a degree program. Beyond tuition money, joining organizations can provide mentorship and network opportunities. Whatever the reason, the goal of concerning your professional life with the law or criminal justice is a noble one.
Check out these top 25 law and criminal justice scholarships below to help you afford things on this journey. You’ll make that little kid inside so proud!
Recommended Online Criminal Justice Degree Programs
Start Your Career in Law Enforcement from Home
Note: While the deadlines for some of these scholarships has passed, we have included only those programs that appear to be long-standing and likely to continue, so if you’ve missed the advertised deadline, look again in a few months.
The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) is a membership organization that began in 1943, as an association of International Reach, a cross-cultural student public speaking program. They were designed to engage both academic and professional skills and information, in the fields of criminal justice. One of their primary agendas is to bolster relevant research, policy analysis, and criminal justice education for both educators and professionals in the fields of criminal justice. ACJS brings together a variety of constituents to continue to shape the organization and their reach, including scholars, students, and professionals from a variety of disciplines, all of whom work together to build common language around crime, justice, and social justice.
The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences offers an annual award called “The Outstanding Graduate Students Award,” which honors the scholarly work of a graduate student who is enrolled, or was in the past year, in an accredited graduate program in the fields of Criminal Justice, Criminology, or related programs. The particular theme of their work must connect to victimology, and may be connected through their work in victim advocacy, victim services, or strictly scholarship on victimization, or other work that proves a commitment to improving the cultural and institutional response to victimization. Students must be nominated by a professor who is familiar with their work, and directly following, the candidate must submit a supporting statement, no more than 1,000 words in length, and a CV.
Alpha Phi Sigma: The National Criminal Justice Honor Society is a large member organization with more than 360 chapters around the country, all of which are engaged in scholarship regarding the field of Criminal Justice. Though the organization has been in existence for 75 years, it wasn’t until 1976, in Dallas, Texas, when the Executive Board voted to make Alpha Phi Sigma an honor society, which made the number of chapters skyrocket. They now have chapters on many university and college campuses, which help to further the mission of the organization, as they bring forth the scholarly achievements of the field of criminal justice.
One of the scholarships that Alpha Phi Sigma offers is the V.A. Leonard Scholarship. It was named after the founder of the organization, and began offerings awards in her name in 1982, to honor the work and contribution of Dr. Leonard to the field of Criminal Justice. One undergraduate and one graduate student will be awarded the scholarship per year, based on their transcripts, professional recommendations, and extracurricular activities. Applicants must submit a paper titled: My Perception of Alpha Phi Sigma, describing the direction you would like to see the organization take in the future, and an additional two-page scholarship about why you think you deserve the scholarship.
The American Association of Justice was once known as the Association of Trial Lawyers of America (ATLA). Their mission includes providing resources, a network of peers, professional support and updated information to represent clients. The motivation for their work is to promote a fair, just and effective system, ensuring that anyone that has been harmed can receive justice in the courtrooms of this country, even in the most complex situations. The membership is comprised of a community of trial lawyers who are committed to the above principles and practices, while also investing in the role of education to ensure all lawyers are trained in advocacy for all clients.
The American Association of Justice offers an annual scholarship titled: the Leesfield/ AAJ Scholarship designed to give first and second-year law students who are connected to AAJ, and opportunity to attend AAJ’s annual convention in Boston, MA. This is a special opportunity for career networking for prospective lawyers to network with others engaged in the fields of Criminal Justice. All applicants must submit a resume, a letter of financial need, and a 500-word essay on their commitment to preserving the civil justice system. Additionally, verification of student status is required, as well as proof that they are enrolled in an ABA-accredited school.
The American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) is an organization based on the principle that all people are entitled to timely and relevant legal information in order to make educated legal arguments and decision. Their membership base consists of legal information experts and highly educated problem solvers. Their vision brings forth the idea that their membership base should be the experts on every part of legal information gathering and dissemination. Their members include Law Librarians, Legal Information Managers, Chief Knowledge Officers, Judges, Students, Web Content and Materials Managers, Paraprofessionals, Business Intelligence, and among many other professionals. Their values include equitable and permanent legal information access and a strong commitment to diversity.
The American Association of Law Libraries offers an annual scholarship opportunity called the George A. Strait Minority Scholarship. The award is designed to support minority college graduates who are in pursuit of advanced degrees in the fields of law or the library sciences. Applicants must be interested in a future path of law librarianship, and be able to show evidence of financial need. The award is in the name of the late law library trailblazer George A. Strait, who build law libraries at a number of distinguished law schools, and made significant contributions to the disciplines of a law library and the law field at large.
The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) is the world’s largest institution whose sole focus is the elimination of all forms of business fraud. They have a membership base of over 80,000 people who together are committed to making a difference in the reduction of fraud related crimes globally. They offer a variety of anti-fraud training and education opportunities, to bring business minds together in the larger discourse of fraud elimination. The credential of a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) assumes expertise in the discipline of fraud prevention, detection, and deterrence. Their work is in service of protecting the global economy by putting in place methods not only intervene when fraud occurs, but to prevent it in the first place.
The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners offers the Ritchie-Jennings Memorial Scholarship Program, which is geared towards students who are building a career in the complex field of fraud examination. This could translate to a criminal justice scholarship, as the law and justice path often intersect with fraud examination. This award is granted to four students, who will also be given an ACFE student membership for the year. All awards will be paid directly to the recipient’s postsecondary institution. This award was named in honor of two ACFE members Larry Jennings and Tracy Ritchie who were fatally wounded in an act of violence.
One of the other exciting opportunities offered through the Chicago chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners is the Dan Sprehe Memorial Scholarship. This award comes from a fund that was created in 2010 in honor of Certified Fraud Examiner Dan Sprehe who worked hard to eradicate corruption and fraud. His life ended too early, as he passed away at age 32, but left a legacy of support for students to engage in the discipline of fraud prevention and examination. This scholarship honors his life as it funds 5 students per academic year to take their ACFE Exam prep course, which costs $399. Winning students will also be granted full ACFE membership for the Chicago chapter for the course of a year, and invited to attend all subsequent educational events.
The Brian Terry Foundation was created in honor of Agent Brian Terry, who is a fallen United States Border Patrol Officer. This foundation was designed to honor Agent Terry’s spirit, strong work ethic, and love for his fellow border patrol officers. This legacy foundation aims to support border patrol families who have lost a loved one in the line of duty, or support individuals that have suffered a work-related injury while serving. They also offer a criminal justice scholarship for students interested in going into a related field, and they aim to raise public awareness regarding issues that impact border patrol agents and their families.
The Brian Terry Scholarship award is a criminal justice scholarship granted to students who enrolled in a college program in a related field. The foundation places a lot of emphasis on the power of education, especially as it relates and prepares students to be leaders in the fields of criminal justice. Students interested in applying must be already attending college or be accepted to attend, and in pursuit of an undergraduate degree. Applicants must submit two letters of recommendation from high school or college educators, counselors or employers, and a recent high school or college transcript. A 1200 word personal essay is also required. Applicants must have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA to qualify for the award.
Crimcheck is a comprehensive and well-known pre-employment criminal background check company, made up of highly trained investigative consultants who are fluent in FCRA compliance processes for employment screening. Major companies rely on Crimcheck’s services to dive into layers of court documentation in order to provide accurate information for companies and corporations to make informed hiring decisions. Crimcheck conducts extensive research that includes information about misdemeanors in local counties, felonies in the applicant’s district, and federal offenses for which an applicant has been pursued upon, all of which are harder for a layperson to source. These services have proven to be a valuable asset to hiring processes across organizations and corporations.
Crimcheck offers a Criminal Justice Scholarship award to one student per year who is in pursuit of a postsecondary education in a related field. Applicants may be high school seniors or currently enrolled in a college program. Students who apply must have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA, with full or part-time student status, and enrolled in classes for the current year. An essay is required for the application, and the topic is based on the applicant’s reason for pursuing a career in the field of criminal justice, their outlined long-term career goals, and how the scholarship award would make a difference in their pursuits.
The Leadership Institute for Women of Color Attorneys (LIWOCA) was established by Marian Cover Dockery in the early 2000s. Following a harrowing study that was conducted by the American Bar Association that brought to light the staggering rate of attrition from law firms by women of color, including African American, Asian American, and Hispanic women attorneys. The LIWOCA hosts an annual conference promoting community building amongst women of color lawyers. This enables a network of support and encourages these leaders to excel in the legal field dominated by the historic majority.
The Leadership Institute of Women of Color Attorneys offers multiple scholarship opportunities to fulfill the aspect of their mission that supports women of color to be successful future attorneys. They offer up to five scholarships per year in varying amounts to students who are women of color and have completed at least one year of law school. Students must be enrolled in an accredited law school at the time their application is submitted. Applicants must have at least a 2.8 GPA, and are in good standing at their institution; they must also be US citizens, and be active community members.
Ball State University is located in Muncie, Indiana, but has satellite campuses in Fishers and Indianapolis. The criminal justice and criminology department at Ball State is a self-contained community of people who have a passion to serve, and an interest in the law, security, and justice professionally. With many options to choose from, Ball State offers every level of criminal justice education there is, from a certificate or associates degree in criminology, to a Master’s in Public Administration and a graduate certificate in Criminal Justice, and everything in between. There are several methods of instruction also, from traditional, in-class education, to fully online options and even hybrid sections for students to choose from. This flexible choice will meet student’s dedication and take it to new levels, offering a comprehensive and well-rounded justice education.
The Criminal Justice and Criminology department at Ball State has several options for students who are looking for help paying tuition. The Lionel J. Neiman Scholarship honors the legacy of the late Professor Neiman, and his many contributions to the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Ball State, as well as to the Department’s many students who were lucky to have known him. Professor Neiman was an advocate to students, and to promoting the peacekeeping role that police and government are tasked to play in criminal justice. His contribution to the field lives on, not only in his writing, but also in the form of this scholarship, reserved for senior at Ball State who are committed to the ideals Professor Neiman espoused. The chair of the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology and the department faculty review the applications and select the recipient(s) for the awards. This annual award amount and the number of awards are dependent upon the endowment account’s balance.
My Alarm Center is a company that was established in 2000 with a vision of having the highest quality and most technically advanced alarm security systems and is known as the premier security company in the country, with an emergency response monitoring team that is top rated. Their vision also includes having an excellent, friendly, and competent customer service team. Their services include home security, as well as business security, flood protection, fire and carbon monoxide detection and prevention, home automation, as well as personal emergency services. They have headquarters and regional offices located in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio, and Long Island.
My Alarm system wants to support students educations who are focused on making their communities safer. They offer a Criminal Justice Scholarship for students engaging in the fields of law enforcement, law, or a field that is closely related. Applicants must write a 500-1000 word essay focused on the relationships between law enforcement and civilians, and how their career path could impact these relationships, or their personal experiences or interactions that drew them to the field of law enforcement, or related career, and what they hope to get out of such a path. Students must be graduating high school seniors or in their freshman or sophomore year of college.
The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) is an organization comprised of Asian American Attorneys, judges, law professors and Law Students who bring forward the interests of close to 50,000 attorneys and over 80 national, state, and local Asian Pacific American Bar Associations. The goals of the organization involve supporting civil rights issues that impact Asian Pacific American Communities. They focus on issues such as equal opportunities in the workplace, and the elimination of anti-immigrant sentiment and hate crimes that impact primarily minority communities. They also invest in professional development for people of color who are engaged in legal professions.
National Asian Pacific American Bar Association has partnered with Anheuser Busch to offer two NAPABA students the Law Foundation Presidential Scholarship. This award is granted to law students who exhibit stellar leadership potential that can be applied to service of the Asian Pacific American community. The foundation is looking at students who have interest in offering pro-bono work, as well as public interest legal support to minority populations. The committee will also look at students public service work, financial need, and level of maturity and responsibility. Applicants must be enrolled in a law school that is accredited by The American Bar Association (ABA), or The Association of American Law Schools (AALS).
The National Black Law School Association was established in 1968 by Algernon Johnson, who was the former mayor of Prichard, Alabama. The organization started at the New York University Law School, and now holds chapters in every state in the nation, as well as the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The primary goal of NBLSA is to articulate the needs of Black law students including educational, political, and social, and to improve the relationships between the American legal system and Black law professionals and students. Their mission also includes addressing the needs of Black people in the legal realm, which includes bringing about a high level of political and social change.
The Leadership Institute for Women of Color Attorneys offers scholarships through the National Black Law School Association to highlight and support outstanding women of color who are members of NBLSA and who show dedication and promise as leaders in their community through the avenue of law. Award amounts vary, to accommodate the needs of applicants and are up to the discretion of the scholarship committee. Up to five women will be awarded each year. Awardees must be women of color law students who have completed at least one year of law school. Applicants should be attending an accredited law school in the U.S. at the time of their application and must be in good standing in their law school. Applicants should be citizens of the United States have a have demonstrated a commitment to the legal profession and are active in their community and law school.
The National Black Police Association (NBPA) is an organization of national reach that makes up African American Law Enforcement sub-regional organizations, with a belief in the ethic of fairness and promotion of justice as it relates to the ways law enforcement is conducted. There are several chartered organizations throughout the country, a well as Canada, Bermuda, and the United Kingdom. NBPA also acts as an advocacy organization for minority police officers and brings together a solid network of training and professional development opportunities for anyone engaged in the field of law enforcement and justice, to be more attuned to the needs of women, minorities, and the poor.
The National Black Police Association offers the Alphonso Deal Scholarship award, which is designed to support and enrich educational opportunities for minority students who are in pursuit of an education that and an academic path in criminal justice or related fields. The scholarship is for a high school senior who needs financial assistance to be successful on their educational journey at a 2-year college of their choice. Applicants must have a letter of reference from a principal, teacher, or counselor. A parent or guardian must sign the application, or it will not be accepted. Last year awards were granted to two high school seniors.
National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, often referred to as NOBLE, is an organization committed to ensuring the law serves all citizens regardless of race, class or other minority group status. They were established in 1976 in a 3-day symposium dedicated to addressing crime in low-income urban areas. It became clear at this event that there are unique issues that impact Black law enforcement executives related to hiring practices, fairness in the administration of justice, and the hiring and promotion rates of Black executives in the police force. It became clear that there was a need for Black law enforcement executives to come together to impact the fields of law enforcement and ultimately impact the criminal justice system.
The National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives offers an annual criminal justice scholarship called the Irlet Anderson Scholarship Award. This honor is granted to one high school senior who is committed to pursuing a career in criminal justice or law enforcement. Applicants must be in pursuit of a degree in the Social Sciences, which may include technology, criminal and forensic investigative studies and have proof of acceptance to the school they will be attending. Students must have a GPA of 3.8 or above, with supporting transcripts in their application packet. An essay is also required, highlighting the reasons the applicant should receive the award.
Out to Protect
Out to Protect is an education and support network for law enforcement professionals, founded in 2009, by Greg Miraglia, who wrote the book “Coming Out From Behind the Badge.” The organization was founded to build awareness and advocacy opportunities for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender professionals in the field of law enforcement, while also providing support for members of the community who are in pursuit of a career in law enforcement. They are a nonprofit organization, whose main work consists of providing scholarship opportunities and training grants to “out” members of the LGBT community, as well as active straight allies, who act as role models for the rest of the police force.
Out to Protect offers an annual scholarship award to students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, and are pursuing a Basic Law Enforcement Training Program, in pursuit of a career in law enforcement, as well as students who are in the Basic Police Academy, Sheriff’s Academy, Corrections Academy, or 9-1-1 Dispatcher Academy. Other than enrollment in an educational program, applicants must be able to prove that they are a visible and positive role model for law enforcement. Interested applicants do not have to demonstrate financial need. The process includes filling out the online application form and submitting optional letters of recommendation.
Pi Gamma Mu is a renowned honors society in the social sciences and happens to be the oldest of its kind. They have beyond 150 local chapters in the United States and around the world, all of which are committed to excellence in scholarship related to disciplines associated with the Social Sciences. These chapters serve as a practice of members engaging deeply with human relationships and behaviors. Much of their members are committed to updating their information and remaining connected for a lifetime. Their work includes offering scholarships to students, offering honorariums for guest speakers, and creating conferences that further their mission and bring members together.
Pi Gamma Mu offers ten scholarships per year for students who are interested in attending graduate school in the fields related to Social Sciences. Specifically criminal justice Scholarships, as well as related disciplines such as law, social work, culture, and geography, are all honored. Recipients of the award in previous cycles may not reapply. Applicants must submit an application form along with a personal statement describing in depth, why they are pursuing their course of study. Three letters of recommendation, are also required, from people familiar with the student’s merit and field of study. No more than three scholarships per discipline will be awarded.
The Police Officer Assistance Trust (POAT) was established in 1989 to support the communities of law enforcement officers and their families in Miami-Dade County, Florida. POAT was formed after the tragic death of two officers who died in the line of duty in 1998. The following, year two other officers had tragic accidents impact their children, one including the loss of his young son. POAT was designed with the sole purpose of bringing comprehensive support to officers and their family networks when there is need. The support system is exhibited primarily in a financial capacity, however, there are other forms of support that are shared through this network. This offering is extended to any Miami-Dade County sworn-in officers and their families.
The Police Officer Assistance Trust sponsors the Paul Janosky Criminal Justice Related Majors Scholarship Program. One Criminal Justice Scholarship will be awarded per year to a student studying in a related field, enabling previous recipients and applicants to apply again. Applicants must be enrolled as a full-time college student, or be a senior in a Miami-Dade High School, and be the child of a sworn-in Miami-Dade Law Enforcement Agent, with a plan focus their studies within the criminal justice field. A GPA of 2.5 or above is required, with transcripts to prove academic excellence, as part of the application package. One letter of recommendation is also required.
The Ronnie J. Williams Foundation was created following the loss of Delaware based State Police Officer Master Corporal Ronald J. WIlliams, Jr. The organization was designed to honor his legacy, which includes his commitment to family, faith, and duty. This organization centers around creating integrity and strength of character in young people, by offering a variety of educational and scholarship opportunities, as well as family events, soccer leagues, connections to the Legacy Theater Company, and an event called Heroes Night Out. They also offer opportunities for community members to be month sustainers to support their “Hero Fund.” They sell merchandise on their website, including commemorative prints.
The Ronnie J. Williams Foundation offers one annual scholarship to a student who will be enrolled as a full-time student, at an accredited college or university. This criminal justice scholarship was designed to support a high school senior who is from Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, or Pennsylvania, who has a GPA of 2.5 or above, and is interested in pursuing a field related to criminal justice. Applicants should be entering their college program the fall of that calendar year. The applicant must submit 3 letters of recommendation from adults who make reference to this specific scholarship opportunity. The student must also submit a 500-word essay, describing why they want to pursue this field.
The SAISD (San Antonio Independent School District) Foundation is the educational foundation associated with the San Antonio Independent School District. In 2007, they became an active fundraising entity in the San Antonio area that keeps high-quality innovation and education at the forefront of their fundraising, ensuring that students that come from urban under-resourced families will get the same quality of education as those in wealthier communities. The foundation engages local businesses and downtown residents to support the public education of all students in the district. SAISD Foundation has impacted the lives of over 65,000 students by awarding over two million dollars in teaching grants, student scholarships, and strategic initiatives.
SAISD Foundation offers an annual criminal justice scholarship called Robert “Bobby” Deckard Memorial Scholarship in honor of Officer Deckard, a passionate student and high school athlete, who was active in community service in San Antonio. He went to Highlands High School, where the award is given to seniors who are in pursuit of higher education in the fields of criminology or criminal justice. Students must have achieved a 3.0 or above in their high school education, and apply as a high school senior. They must have two letters of recommendation from the Director of Police Explorers, or a lead Counselor.
Sheryl A. Horak joined the Bettendorf police force as an explorer at age 15 in Iowa, in 1985. She had a strong commitment to serving her community, and rose to the rank of lieutenant. She was tragically killed in the line of duty on August 14, 1987, which has had a lasting impact on the community of West Valley City, Utah. Her colleagues worked hard to memorialize Horak with the Sheryl A. Horak Memorial Endowment, which was designed to provide financial support and opportunities to Law Enforcement Explorers who show a commitment to the fields of law enforcement. The opportunities that they create are especially geared towards candidates who exhibit potential to excel in the position of career law enforcement executive.
The Sheryl A. Horak Law Enforcement Explorer Memorial Scholarship is offered annually to multiple students to support their law enforcement education, depending on the amount of the current endowment yield. The award is based on merit, as well as the student’s record of community service, academic performance history, leadership demonstration and perceived ability. Applicants must be law enforcement Explorers and at least in their senior year of high school. Required application materials include a personal statement on why the student wants to pursue a career in law enforcement. The award will be presented at a national law enforcement explorer conference, or a local ceremony, and will include a plaque and pin.
The American Association of University Women (AAUW) is national organization invested in furthering and promoting equity and educational opportunities for women and girls. Their mission clearly states the goals of advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research. Established in 1881, members have taken on large contemporary social and political issues including a vast array of educational and socioeconomic issues. They began as a network of 17 women, and today there are over 170,000 members and supporters, 1,000 local branches, and 800 college and university partners. Some of the issues they are focusing on today include closing the pay gap for women.
The American Association of University Women offers an annual fellowship, called the Selected Professions for Fellowships of American Women, which was designed in 1970 to support women who are entering fields where women are historically underrepresented. Applicants must be enrolled in either graduate or professional degree programs, where participation from women has not been high. Law students are encouraged to apply if they are in their third year of study. This award will only be granted to women in traditional educational programs, which excludes online and distance learning models. Academic excellence is heavily weighted in the selection process, as is perceived potential to be successful in the given field.
The American Society of Criminology is a well-known organization that of international reach. They are known for scholarly contributions to the field of criminal justice, as well as the scientific and professional knowledge that confronts the field by measuring etiology, control, prevention, consequences, and systemic treatment of crime and punishment. Their vision and mission consist of bringing a multidisciplinary approach to research and gatherings with a goal of creating relevant scholarship around criminology. They are a member organization with members who are students, practitioners, academics, and professionals in the fields of criminal justice and criminology. The society hosts an annual meeting, and also is the facilitates an ongoing current employment listing database.
The Ruth D. Peterson Fellowship for Racial and Ethnic Diversity is a project of The American Society of Criminology and was created to support students of color to enter and succeed in the fields of criminal justice and criminology. This criminal justice scholarship accepts applicants who are from ethnic groups that are minorities in the fields of criminal, which includes Asian, Black, Latina/o populations among many others. The recipients of the award must be accepted into a doctoral program related to criminal justice. The application process includes submission of a personal statement, which must include reference to their race and/ or ethnicity, a letter detailing their interests in criminal justice or criminology and future career plans.
Virginia Sheriffs Institute (VSI) was officially established in 1981 and is the acting educational department of the Virginia Sheriffs Institute. Their main funding source is the citizenry of the state, and they offer a variety of educational and training opportunities, including conferences. They explicitly, however, do not participate in any political activities. One of the activities that they are known for is their spring management and training conference exclusively for sheriffs and deputies. They also offer a newly elected sheriffs school and a series of lawful employment training for sheriffs. They also sponsor the Virginia Network for Victims and Witnesses of Crime.
The Virginia Sheriffs Institute offers a criminal justice scholarship program for students studying in the field. Their objective is to support local students, in the state of Virginia, to pursue a successful education path in criminal justice. The scholarships are limited to students who are attending post-secondary programs in the state of Virginia. There are two distinct awards granted, one for students who are studying at a full-time capacity, and another for part-time status students. Students must be 18 years of age and older, and submit a copy of their voter registration along with their applications. Applicants are also required to write an essay.
Women in Federal Law Enforcement (WIFLE), was established in the 1970’s, as an interagency committee that brought together the US Departments of Justice and Treasury to problem solve how to make federal law enforcement positions more attractive and welcoming to women. WIFLE became a nonprofit organization in June of 1999 and was then named Women in Federal Law Enforcement, Inc. In 2006 the educational arm of WIFLE started their programming to provide annual leadership training, scholarship programs, seminars, and additional educational opportunities. WIFLE remains the only organization in the country dedicated to addressing the issues that make women an underrepresented population in Federal Law Enforcement.
The Women in Federal Law Enforcement (WIFLE) offers an annual criminal justice scholarship program, awarded to students who exhibit academic excellence, and commitment to serving their communities in the law enforcement field. Students must be enrolled as a full-time student in a four-year college or university or two-year community college program, with an educational focus on disciplines related to criminal justice. Applicants must submit a 500-word essay illuminating their commitment to serving their communities. A letter of recommendation is also required from a police official or community leader. A GPA of 3.0 or above is required with transcripts included in the application packet.
Wyoming Peace Officers Association was established in 1923 by the Wyoming Sheriffs Department. Today they offer a much more comprehensive system which includes peace officers, detention officers, coroners, probation and parole departments, game wardens, correctional officers, the animal control office and the Wyoming Attorney General. They are an entity that brings so many departments together, and therefore their mission revolves around better cooperation between agencies and departments and higher standards of collaboration to combat crime in Wyoming. This association acts as a funding source for academic scholarships, death benefits, and training projects. Donations to the organization are tax-deductible and enable more programming when their funding is more plentiful.
The Wyoming Peace Officers Association offers a criminal justice scholarship program to members and law enforcement majors. Their goal in scholarship funding is to support students further their careers in the fields of criminal justice and law enforcement. There are four distinct categories for scholarship awards, each offering a different award and geared towards a distinct discipline within the criminal justice field. Four awards per year are awarded to students who qualify; the total award may be up to $1000 if all requirements are met. Recipients may receive up to $500 per semester, following the completion of that particular semester.