With college costs continuing to climb with no real indication of that trend slowing down, many women are in need of ways to help fund their college education. While many female students consider taking out student loans, a lot are worried about such financial agreements as they often result in large amounts of student debt. For many, the idea of a college education just seems far too cost-prohibitive to even consider. But these same female students recognize the pitfalls of not pursuing a college degree. As a college degree becomes more and more commonplace for entry-level positions, female students do not want to enter the workplace without a college education. Yet it seems like they have to either incur large amounts of student debt or try to go without a degree. But there is another way.
Scholarships are a great way for women to raise additional funding to help cut the costs of a college education. While most students are familiar with the idea of a scholarship, they may not realize just how much scholarship money is available and how easily attainable it can be. With all this free money being offered to students to help fund their educations, you would be remiss to not attempt to get some of it for yourself. Just last year, it was estimated that $46 billion was made available to students in the form of scholarships in the United States. This is free money that female students can use to help control the rising costs of their tuition and other college expenses.
There are all types of scholarships available. One type of scholarship is a scholarship offered to those who are part of a particular group of people. Female students should know that many scholarships are actually available solely to women, including working mothers pursuing their degree online. These scholarships for women have been created by individuals, companies, and organizations in order to help provide bright young women with the additional financial support that they need in order to pursue their college education. These groups offer scholarships in order to champion women and to create more diversity in the workplace. Here’s a list of the largest scholarships available to women students.
Adobe Research Women in Technology Scholarship
The Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship is made possible by Adobe Research. Part of the Adobe Systems software company, Adobe Research is the research and development arm of Adobe Systems. Started over twenty-five years ago, Adobe Research was created by Charles Geschke and John Warnock in order to ensure that Adobe is always looking for new technologies that can be brought back to the Adobe product teams. Collaborating with over fifty different university partners, Adobe Research has been able to work with students in order to create new technologies that have made their way into Adobe products like the Content-Aware Fill in Photoshop CS5. Through this collaboration with students, Adobe Research is able to support the next-generation of software developers while also advancing their own product line.
One program provided by Adobe Research is the Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship. One of the biggest scholarships available to women, the Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship is awarded to women who have shown exceptional talent in computer science, computer engineering, or a closely related field. If selected for the Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship, that student will receive a $10,000 scholarship, one year of a Creative Cloud subscription, an Adobe Research mentor, and an opportunity to interview for an internship at Adobe.
The Eileen Kraus Scholarship is awarded by the Connecticut Women’s Hall of Fame in partnership with Kaman Corporation. Founded in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1994, the Connecticut Women’s Hall of Fame was created as an educational outreach program to celebrate outstanding women from the state of Connecticut. Through its creation, the Connecticut Women’s Hall of Fame hoped to fill a void in educational coverage of the exceptional women who played key roles in the history of Connecticut. Since its creation, the Connecticut Women’s Hall of Fame has worked to research the history of women in the state of Connecticut in order to preserve and present their stories to future generations in order to celebrate their achievements.
The Eileen Kraus Scholarship was created as one of the many initiatives of the Connecticut Women’s Hall of Fame. One of the biggest scholarships available to women, the Eileen Kraus Scholarship is named after 2002 inductee into the Connecticut Women’s Hall of Fame, Eileen Kraus. This scholarship is made available to all women from the state of Connecticut. Students are selected for this scholarship program based upon their academic performance as well as their engagement within their community. If selected for the Eileen Kraus Scholarship, students will be awarded $5,000 in scholarship funding to put towards the college or university of their choosing.
The Leslie Andrew Hanna Medical Scholarship is offered to students by the Daughters of the American Revolution. A non-profit, the Daughters of the American Revolution was founded in Washington, D.C. in 1890. From its founding, the Daughters of the American Revolution worked as an organization dedicated to the promotion of patriotism and the preservation of American history. Since its creation, the Daughters of the American Revolution have instituted a variety of different programs designed to support American military members while working with American youth to educate them about the rich history of the United States of America. The Daughters of the American Revolution has also raised large sums of money to be given to students and schools in order to support education.
One such way that the Daughters of the American Revolution has helped to support education has been through the creation of the Leslie Andree Hanna Medical Scholarship. This scholarship was created in order reward female students who have chosen to pursue a medical degree. One of the biggest scholarships available to women, the Leslie Andrew Hanna Medical Scholarship is awarded based upon academic merit. If selected for the Leslie Andrew Hanna Medical Scholarship, that student will receive $5,000 in scholarship funding that can go towards a medical degree at any university or college of their choosing.
The Mildred C. Hanson, SIOR Memorial Scholarship is awarded to students by the SIOR Foundation. Created in 1962, as the Society of Industrial Realtors Educational Fund, this organization was originally started in order to publish the first graduate-level textbook on the topic of industrial real estate. After attaining this goal, the organization then expanded to become the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors in 1985. Through this time, the organization worked to help support the real estate profession by providing educational resources for those pursuing degrees in the subject as well as funding for programs and scholarships to help to continue to cultivate those involved in this industry. Renamed in 2006 to the SIOR Foundation, the SIOR Foundation has continued to help support the commercial real estate community.
One of the many ways that the SIOR Foundation has worked to support the real estate community is through the creation of one of the biggest scholarship available to women. The Mildred C. Hanson, SIOR Memorial Scholarship was first funded in 2008 in order to celebrate outstanding female students who have shown interest in a career in commercial real estate. Since its creation, the Mildred C. Hanson, SIOR Memorial Scholarship has been awarded to one exceptional female student each year. Selected based upon their academic performance, the female student selected for the Mildred C. Hanson, SIOR Memorial Scholarship is awarded $5,000 in scholarship money to the college or university of their choosing.
The ESA Foundation Scholarship Program for Minority Students is made available to students by the Entertainment Software Association Foundation. Created by the Entertainment Software Association in January 2000, the Entertainment Software Association Foundation was started in order to help promote the future of entertainment software and video gaming. In order to ensure an influx of talented young minds into the industry, the Entertainment Software Association Foundation began working on a variety of different programs designed to attract students to study fields related to entertainment software development. Using the money and power of the Entertainment Software Association, the Entertainment Software Association Foundation created a variety of programs designed to encourage students to work in video game development.
One of the ways that the Entertainment Software Association Foundation has attracted young minds to the video game industry is through the creation of the ESA Foundation Scholarship Program for Minority Students. Recognizing a lack of representation in the video game industry, the ESA Foundation Scholarship Program for Minority Student was created in order to attract students from minority groups such as women. One of the biggest scholarships available to women, the ESA Foundation Scholarship Program for Minority Students is awarded to exceptional students who have shown interest in working within the video game industry. If selected, students will receive $3,000 in scholarship funding towards the school of their choosing.
The Empowering America Scholarship is awarded to female students by the Alliance for Women in Media Foundation in partnership with Ford Motor Company. Formed in 1951 as the American Women in Radio and Television, the Alliance for Women in Media Foundation worked to support women working in media as well as attract young women to career in media. Since then, the Alliance for Women in Media Foundation has worked to provide recognition events and professional development opportunities for women in media in order to continue to grow their talent and dedication to the media industry. The Alliance for Women in Media has since worked to ensure that women continue to be a vital part of the media industry and that their voice continues to grow in this field.
One of the biggest scholarships available to women, the Empowering America Scholarship is a nationwide scholarship awarded to outstanding female students. Female students are selected for this scholarship based upon an interview that they submit to the Alliance for Women in Media. Applicants are asked to interview a prominent women leader in their community. Through that interview, the applicants are meant to showcase the way that this leader has impacted her community as well as inspired the applicant. If selected for the Empowering America Scholarship, one student will receive $3,000 in scholarship funding to the college or university of their choice.
Chris Andersen WomenLead Scholarship
The Chris Andersen WomenLead Scholarship is made possible by the inFaith Community Foundation. A faith-based charity, inFaith Community Foundation was founded in order to provide funding and support in the name of the Christian faith. Since its creation, the inFaith Community Foundation has been able to contribute over $1.2 billion in outright and deferred gifts. Currently, the inFaith Community Foundation manages over $386 million in assets and administers $23.5 million in annual grants. While a Christian faith-based organization, the inFaith Community Foundation provides support to people regardless of denominations or faith traditions. The inFaith Community Foundation works to provide support for people in numerous ways including scholarship funding.
One of the biggest scholarships available to women, the WomenLead Scholarship is awarded to exceptional female students who have demonstrated a desire to work in ministry. Recognizing a lack of diversity in the leadership of many ministries, the WomenLead Scholarship is created as a means to attract more women to this line of work. Students are selected for this scholarship based upon their academic performance as well as their track record of leadership and engagement within their community. If selected for the WomenLead Scholarship, students are awarded $3,000 in funding to the college or university of their choosing.
The BHW Scholarship is offered to female students by The BHW Group. Based out of Austin, Texas, The BHW Group is a custom web and mobile app development company. Operating for the past decade, The BHW Group works with clients in order to create mobile app solutions that are custom made for their clients. Since its founding, The BHW Group has seen much success in the field of mobile app development and with this success has been able to save money for philanthropic purposes. One such cause that The BHW Group has become interested in is the encouragement of women to study and earn STEM degrees. Recognizing a lack of representation in the software development community, The BHW Group hopes to attract more female talent to this industry.
One way that The BHW Group is working to accomplish this goal is through the creation of The BHW Scholarship. This scholarship is created in order to help deal with a lack of representation in the mobile app development space by providing scholarship funding to entice women to enroll in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics degree programs in college. Students are selected for this program based on their academic performance as well as an essay regarding mobile app development. If selected for the BHW Scholarship, students will receive $3,000 in funding for a STEM education at the college or university of their choosing.
The Pacific Gas & Electric Company Women’s Network ERG Scholarship is awarded to students by the Pacific Gas & Electric Company. Founded in 1905, the Pacific Gas & Electric Company now supplies electricity and natural gas for over two-thirds of Californians. Now one of the largest utility provides in the United States, the Pacific Gas & Electric Company has become a massive publicly traded entity. Through its success, the Pacific Gas & Electric Company has accumulated massive amounts of wealth that it uses to fund various philanthropical ventures. Through these philanthropic ventures, the Pacific Gas & Electric company provides money back to the communities that they are part of. One way that the Pacific Gas & Electric Company has accomplished this is through the creation of a variety of different scholarships.
The Pacific Gas & Electric Company Women’s Network ERG Scholarship is made available to female students throughout the United States. One of the biggest scholarships available to women, the Pacific Gas & Electric Company Women’s Network ERG Scholarship is created in order to help female students pay for their college education. Last scholarship cycle, the Pacific Gas & Electric Company Women’s Network ERG Scholarship was awarded to over two-hundred different students. Students are selected for this program based on their academic performance. If selected, female students can receive up to $5,000 in scholarship money for their college education.
The Betty Hansen National Scholarship is made possible by the Danish Sisterhood of America. Founded by Christine Hemmingsen in 1883, the Danish Sisterhood of America was established in response to the success of the Danish Brotherhood of America. Established to celebrate Danish culture, the Danish Sisterhood of America was created as an organization dedicated to allowing women of Danish descent to get in touch with Danish customs and traditions. Since then, the Danish Sisterhood of America has grown to have chapters all across the United States and has allowed women of Danish descent to become even more in touch with their roots while also being able to use its resources to help provide charitable contributions to people and organizations in need.
One of the biggest scholarship available to women, the Betty Hansen National Scholarship offers women the opportunity to control the cost of their college tuition through financial aid provided by the Danish Sisterhood of America. Made possible through donations and endowments collected through the various chapters of the Danish Sisterhood, the Betty Hansen National Scholarship is awarded annually to six different female students. Women are selected for the Betty Hansen National Scholarship based upon their academic performance, community involvement, and leadership skills. If selected, students will receive $2,500 in scholarship aid to the college or university of their choosing.
Girls Impact the World Film Festival Scholarship is made available to female students by Connecther. Founded by Lila Igram, Connecther was established in order to raise money to provide poverty alleviation services to women and children. Through the usage of social networking, Connecther has been able to connect women in need with donors in order to help provide impoverished women and children with the financial support that they need in order to lead happier and healthier lives. By utilizing new communication technologies, Connecther is able to respond more quickly to new social issues and raise awareness for people in need. A leader in helping women across the globe, Connecther also works to help female students pay for their college educations.
One way that Connecther has worked to help female students is through the creation of the Girls Impact the Word Film Festival Scholarship. This scholarship was created in order to reward female students who worked to create films that addressed global women’s issues like maternal health, sex-trafficking, child-marriage, and more. In order to apply for this scholarship, female students must submit a short film that covers certain women’s issues as outlined by Connecther. If selected, students will receive $2,500 and the opportunity to screen their film at the Girls Impact the World Film Festival in Austin, Texas.
Wanda J. Schafer Graduate Scholarship
The Wanda J. Schafer Graduate Scholarship is offered to women by the Women’s Transportation Seminar. Founded in 1977, the Women’s Transportation Seminar was created by a group of women who worked in the transportation industry. This group was created in order to help women with professional development, as well as to provide encouragement to other women to pursue a career working in transportation. Over forty years since the founding of this organization, the Women’s Transportation Seminar has now grown to have over 6,500 members with 79 different chapters. The group is also connected to an even wider network of over 40,000 transportation professionals. Through this group, women can connect with other transportation professionals in order to continue to grow their careers.
One of the biggest scholarships available to women, the Wanda J. Schafer Graduate Scholarship is awarded to exceptional female students who are preparing to pursue a career in transportation. Women are selected for this scholarship based on their academic performance in their undergraduate degree programs. Designed to encourage bright, young women to pursue a career in transportation, the Wanda J. Schafer Graduate Scholarship provides funding and support to women with strong academics in degrees related to transportations such as an engineering degree, urban planning degree, public policy, or many others. If selected students will earn $2,500 for the college or university of their choosing.
Women in Technology Scholarship program is made possibly by the Visionary Integration Professionals. A technology solutions company, Visionary Integration Professionals has been working in the enterprise software solutions industry for many years. As a leader in this market, Visionary Integration Professionals has grown to work with over 1,200 different clients in order to help them create software solutions that are best suited to their needs. Through working in this industry. Visionary Integration Professionals has been able to see how the landscape and representation of different demographics within this industry. Wanting to ensure a better future for the technology solutions industry, Visionary Integration Professionals has decided to set up certain philanthropy programs to help create more representation in the industry.
One of the programs that Visionary Integration Professionals has implemented is the Women In Technology Scholarship Program. One of the biggest scholarships available to women, the Women in Technology Scholarship program was created in order to address issues of representation within the technology solutions industry. Through this program, Visionary Integration Professionals hopes to entice more young women to enroll in college degree programs related to computer science, information technology, management information systems, and other related degree programs. In order to be considered for this scholarship, female students must be in good academic standings and be interested in a degree related to technology. If selected, students will receive $2,500 in scholarship funding.
The WomenIn Scholarship program is made available by the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences Foundation. Established in 2016, the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences Foundation was created in order to advance inclusion in the worldwide interactive entertainment business. Known for its lack of diversity and representation, the interactive entertainment industry is now undergoing many changes and pushes in order to bring more women and people from minority groups into the fold. The Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences Foundation has been one of the forces behind this push, hoping to attract more diversity to the interactive entertainment industry through collaboration, education and professional development opportunities. Through their work, the Academy of interactive Arts & Sciences Foundation hopes to make gaming a more collaborative space for all people.
One of the biggest scholarships available to women, the WomenIn Scholarship was created in order to attract female students to the interactive entertainment industry. This program is made available to female students who are preparing to pursue an undergraduate degree. In order to be considered by the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences Foundation for the WomenIn Scholarship, students must be planning to pursue a degree in game development or the business of interactive entertainment. If selected for this scholarship, students will be awarded $2,500 and will also be given a mentor within the industry who will help guide them through their academics and career.
The Automotive Women’s Alliance Foundation Education Scholarship is offered to students by the Automotive Women’s Alliance Foundation. Founded in 2001, the Automotive Women’s Alliance Foundation was created in order to raise funding for scholarships that would be made available to women who were interested in entering into the automotive and mobility industry. Since its creation, the Automotive Women’s Alliance Foundation has worked to increase its ranks in order to gain more funding that could be used to help award scholarships to female students. Wanting to address a lack of representation within the automotive and mobility industry, the Automotive Women’s Alliance Foundation has been offering talented female students scholarships since 2001. Now the organization is made up of two-hundred talented women across a variety of industries.
The Automotive Women’s Alliance Foundation Education Scholarship is the main scholarship that the Automotive Women’s Alliance Foundation offers. One of the biggest scholarships available to women, the Automotive Women’s Alliance Foundation Education Scholarship has been awarded to 153 different women since its creation totaling over $379,500 in scholarship rewards. Students are selected for their academic performance as well as their desire to work in the automotive and mobility industry. If selected for the Automotive Women’s Alliance Foundation Education Scholarship, students will be awarded $2,500 to the college or university of their choosing.
Konica Minolta Women in Technology Scholarship
The Konica Minolta Women in Technology Scholarship is offered to students by the Electronic Document Scholarship Foundation in partnership with Konica Minolta. Established in 1994, the Electronic Document Scholarship Foundation was created in order to provide the electronic document market the formalization and structure that was needed in order to expand. Since its creation, the Electronic Document Scholarship Foundation has worked to help enhance the value of document communication through education and community building opportunities. As the industry grows and changes, the Electronic Document Scholarship Foundation works to ensure that the brightest young minds are being attracted to work within this industry. Whether it is in jobs regarding digital printing production, web page management, information technology, or more, the Electronic Document Scholarship Foundation is working hard to ensure the future of this industry.
The Konica Minolta Women In Technology Scholarship is one of the biggest scholarships available to women. The Electronic Document Scholarship Foundation partnered with Konica Minolta to start this scholarship in order to help attract more women to the document management and graphic communications industry. Noting a lack of women within this industry, the Electronic Document Scholarship Foundation has made it part of their mission to increase diversity and representation within the electronic document market. To be eligible for this scholarship, female students must be in good academic standing and have demonstrated a desire to study a degree related to the electronic document field. If selected students will receive $2,500 in scholarship funding to the college or university of their choice.
The Women in Aerospace Foundation Scholarship is offered to students by the Women in Aerospace Foundation. Created in 1985, the Women in Aerospace Foundation was established in order to help connect women aerospace professionals with one another. By connecting these women to one another, the Women in Aerospace Foundation hoped that would lead to higher visibility of women within the aerospace industry which in turn would lead to their advancement in the field. Since its creation, the Women in Aerospace Foundation has grown to have over 2,000 members and 80 corporate, non-profit, and academic partners. Thirty years later, the Women in Aerospace Foundation continues to work to advance women in the aerospace industry. One of the ways that the Women in Aerospace Foundation works to accomplish this is through the creation of their scholarship program.
The Women in Aerospace Foundation Scholarship is offered to female students across the United States. One of the biggest scholarships available to women, the Women in Aerospace Foundation Scholarship has helped female students pay for their college educations since 2009. This program was started in order to increase the public awareness of the aerospace field and to inspire female students to pursue a degree related to the aerospace industry. Students are selected for this scholarship program based upon their academic performance, their leadership skills, and their desire to earn a degree related to aerospace. If selected for the Women in Aerospace Foundation Scholarship, students will be awarded $2,000 in scholarship funding.
The Women’s Independence Scholarship Program is made possible by Women’s Independence Scholarship, Inc. Originally started as a program of The Sunshine Lady Foundation in 1999, the Women’s Independence Scholarship Program was created in order to raise funding for scholarships that would be provided to women survivors of intimate partner abuse. The idea was to provide these women with funding for their education in order to change their lives for the better. By December 2007, it was decided that the Women’s Independence Scholarship Program should be spun-off from The Sunshine Lady Foundation due to its success. Since 2008, Women’s Independence Scholarship Program, Inc. has operated as a sister organization to The Sunshine Lady Foundation.
Since the creation of the original Women’s Independence Scholarship Program, over $36.5 million has been awarded to over 4,000 women across the United States. Making this one of the biggest scholarships available to women, the Women’s Independence Scholarship Program has helped many women achieve their goal of pursuing a college education in spite of the rising costs of tuition. The Women’s Independence Scholarship Program, Inc., selects women for this scholarship program based upon their economic need and their academic performance. If selected, female students will receive $2,000 in scholarship funding towards the college or university of their choosing.
The AFWA Finance and Accounting Undergraduate Scholarship is offered to students by the Accounting & Financial Women’s Alliance. Founded in 1938, the Accounting & Financial Women’s Alliance was started in order to help women support one another in the accounting and financial industries. Since starting over seventy-five years ago, the Accounting & Financial Women’s Alliance has worked towards developing women in accounting and finance through the advancement of the organizations four core values: empowerment, leadership, integrity, and passion. Working with women to provide opportunities for networking and professional development, the Accounting & Financial Women’s Alliance has worked to create a greater deal of representation within this sector of the economy.
One of the biggest scholarships available to women, the AFWA Finance and Accounting Undergraduate Scholarship was started by the Accounting & Financial Women’s Alliance in order to attract and inspire more women to the fields of accounting and finance. In order to continue a lack of diversity within this industry, the Accounting & Financial Women’s Alliance created this scholarship to reward capable women who are interested in pursuing a degree program related to finance or accounting. To be eligible for this scholarship, students must demonstrate high academic performance and a desire to work in accounting or finance after graduation. If selected for this scholarship, students will be rewarded $2,000 in scholarship funding.
The Association of Women Contractors Scholarship is offered to women by the Association of Women Contractors. Established by a group of women in 1995, the Association of Women Contractors was created to support women business owners in the construction industry. A traditionally male-dominated industry, the Association of Women Contractors was created with this in mind. In order to help support the success of the women currently involved in construction and to continue to encourage more women to join the construction industry, the Association of Women Contractors was created to help these women work together to provide one another with professional development and networking support. Today, the Association of Women Contractors has grown to encompass more than 150 different members representing different businesses and organizations across the United States.
The Association of Women Contractors Scholarship is just one of the ways that the Association of Women Contractors works to help encourage young women to get an education to prepare them for a career in the construction industry. One of the biggest scholarships available to women, the Association of Women Contractors Scholarship is designed to reward bright female students who are studying a degree program related to the construction industry. To be considered for the Association of Women Contractors Scholarship program, female students must display leadership, high academic performance, and be enrolled in a relevant degree program. If selected, that student will receive $2,000 in scholarship funding.
The Gertrude M. Cox Scholarship is made possibly by the American Statistical Association. The second-oldest continuously operating professional association in the United State, the American Statistical Association was established in Boston, Massachusetts in 1839. Known as the “Big Tent for Statistics”, the American Statistical Association was created to support the statistical sciences and those who work within this industry. Wanting to create a world that relies on data and statistical thinking in order to drive discover and inform decisions, the American Statistical Association supports the statistician community through meetings, publications, membership services, education, accreditation, and advocacy. Since its creation, the American Statistical Association has worked to continuously grow support and understanding for the statistical sciences.
The Gertrude M. Cox Scholarship is just one of the ways that the American Statistical Association works to support the statistical sciences. First offered in 1989 in conjunction with the Caucus for Women in Statistics, the Gertrude M. Cox Scholarship is now one of the biggest scholarships available to women. Created to encourage more women to enter professions that are related to the statistical sciences, the Gertrude M. Cox Scholarship is awarded to women who are working through their graduate level education. Students are selected based upon their academic performance in their graduate programs. Those selected for the Gertrude M. Cox Scholarship receive $1,000 in scholarship funding.
The 1000 Dreams Scholarship Fund is made possible by the Greater Giving Kansas City Foundation. Founded in 1978, the Greater Giving Kansas City Foundation was created to help make the idea of charitable giving more mainstream by streamlining the process. Noting that most people have different types of financial accounts for specific purposes like a savings account or college fund, the Greater Giving Kansas City Foundation thought it would help increase charitable contributions by setting up a system that allowed people to create a charitable contributions account. Through the creation of this system, people would be more encouraged to provide charitable money if the process was more streamlined. Today, the Greater Giving Kansas City Foundation has created over 3,800 funds that are backed by $3 billion in assets.
One of the funds created by the Greater Giving Kansas City Foundation is the 1000 Dreams Scholarship Fund. This scholarship program was created by the Greater Giving Kansas City Foundation in order to inspire more young women to attend a college or university. By awarding women who are bright but might need extra assistance to pay for their college education, the 1000 Dreams Scholarship Fund provides extra financial assistance to young women who have demonstrated a financial need for scholarship assistance. This scholarship fund is designed to help female students by for textbooks, application fees, and other college-related expenses. Those selected for this scholarship are awarded $1,000 ins scholarship aid.
The Abby’s Closet Juan Young Scholarship is offered by Abby’s Closet and The Juan Young Trust. Based in Oregon, Abby’s Closet is a nonprofit organization started in order to provide young women with free formal gowns for prom and other memorable events. Founded in 2004, Abby’s Closet was started by Abby England after recognizing that many female students were not taking part in formative high school experiences such as prom due to the expensive nature of this event. Many female students who were interested in attending prom and other events like it did not attend because the cost of formalwear was far too expensive. Abby’s Closet hoped to remedy this situation by raising money to source gowns that can be given to these young women for free. Since then, over 20,000 dresses have been given away to female students.
One of the biggest scholarships available to women, Abby’s Closet also supports young women by providing the Abby’s Closet Juan Young Scholarship. Offered in partnership with the Juan Young Trust, the Abby’s Closet Yuan Young Scholarship is awarded to graduating high school seniors. Identifying young women who have shown exemplary academic performance as well as community engagement and financial need, the Abby’s Closet Juan Young Scholarship is just another way that Abby’s Closet works to support the needs of young women. Those selected for the Abby’s Closet Juan Young Scholarship receive $1,000 in scholarship funding to help fund their college experience.
The ABC Humane Wildlife Control & Prevention, Inc. Academic Scholarship is offered by ABC Humane Wildlife Control & Prevention, Inc. Based in Arlington Heights, Illinois, ABC Humane Wildlife Control & Prevention, Inc. was started over forty years ago. Now the company has grown to serve six counties in the Chicago area. Noticing a lack of humane animal control practices in the area, the ABC Humane Wildlife Control & Prevention, Inc. was created to provide people with an option for wildlife control that was respectful to the animals and made sure that they were treated properly and safely. Not wanting to see animals continually being hurt and killed during routine wildlife control situations, ABC Humane Wildlife Control & Prevention, Inc. now offers a humane way to handle these situations. With this unique outlook, ABC Humane Wildlife Control & Prevention Inc. has captured the public eye and has been featured on National Geographic TV.
The ABC Humane Wildlife Control & Prevention, Inc, also works to use its wealth to make savvy charitable contributions in order to help different social issues. One such issue that ABC Humane Wildlife Control & Prevention, Inc. has become involved in is the creation of more diversity in engineering professions. Noting a lack of women working in engineering professions, ABC Humane Wildlife Control & Prevention, Inc. began offering students The ABC Humane Wildlife Control & Prevention, Inc. Academic Scholarship. Now one of the biggest scholarships available to women, this scholarship awards capable female students with $1000 in scholarship funding in order to complete their degree in a field related to science, technology, engineering, or math.
The Virginia Heinlein Memorial Scholarship is offered by the Heinlein Society to a woman majoring in STEM, including math, biology, and engineering, or in creative writing with a focus on science fiction or speculative fiction. Applicants must write an essay about the impact of science-fiction writer Robert Heinlein on their life, career choices, or related topics.
The Heinlein Society is dedicated to the legacy of author Robert Heinlein, including translating and disseminating his works, placing his works in libraries, and encouraging the next generation of sci-fi writers with scholarships and grants.