When you begin your college career, you might not know exactly what you want to do with your life. With the hundreds of degrees that are available, you might want to do something that makes a difference in someone’s life while also having job security. While you might think that majors like this can be boring and result in your days being spent behind a desk, there are quite a few majors that are fun that can lead to a job that you enjoy and that you want to go to every day. If you’re unsure of how to get started with choosing a major that is fun and exciting and that matches your interests and personality, then consider talking to a guidance counselor at the school you attend. The following are only a few of the fun majors to consider that could make it a little easier to get up and go to work in the morning.
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1. Software Developer
If working by yourself is something that you enjoy, then this is a major that you want to keep in mind. While you might work in an office developing various types of software programs, you’ll usually be on your own and can often work from home if you don’t want to go to the office or if you just want to spend time with your family. Even though there could be a few challenging days when you need to get details just right in order to complete a software program or figure out why something isn’t working as it should, it’s still fun as you get to see the inner workings of a computer system without actually working on the device itself. This is a job that often results in other people respecting you because of the work that you perform as it’s often highly detailed. You can use the major to become a successful designer, a project manager, or a senior in the world of development. A video game designer could fall into this category. This field involves looking at what other people like when they play games and then designing a game that they would enjoy. The fun part is that you get to play the games before they’re released. After completing your major and starting your career as a software developer, your salary could range between $68,000 and $130,000 depending on where you work and the details of the job.
2. Dental Hygienist
If you enjoy working with other people in a small setting, then consider becoming a dental hygienist. You can usually complete this major in about two years at a community college. This is a career that allows you to work alongside the dentist without performing some of the detailed procedures that the dentist does during the day. You’ll be able to talk to the patients and get to know them while educating them about oral health. If you work with children, then you can usually watch television with them while they are getting their teeth cleaned or work in an environment that’s filled with colorful characters and fun designs. Some of the duties that you’ll have include cleaning teeth, performing X-rays, and performing a general exam of a patient’s mouth before the dentist comes in to do one that’s more detailed. This is a major to consider if you already have a degree and want a change of pace in your life since it only takes two years to obtain the degree. You’ll usually be able to enjoy normal working hours during the week and have your weekends off, allowing for time to spend with your family and friends. The salary for this career is close to $90,000 a year depending on the location and the type of office where you work. While this might not sound like a fun career, it’s one that changes each day and that offers a fun atmosphere with the people you can work with, especially if you work with children.
3. Librarian
When trying to figure out a major, consider one that’s quiet and that allows you to look at some of the latest books to read. As a librarian, you can work in a large library or a small one that’s in a school. There are also different departments in a library that you can work in depending on the kinds of books that you like and the patrons that you enjoy working with, such as the children’s department or the reference department. You’ll be able to enjoy a relaxing environment without a lot of the stress that might be associated with working in a busy office or that you might experience if you have a career that’s highly detailed with a lot of tasks to complete each day. As a librarian, you can read to children when they come in or help students with their homework. You can also help people find just the right book for what they like to read. A benefit of being a librarian is that you can read some of the newest books before they hit the shelves and even learn about some of the latest books from authors before they are released to the general public. You can help schedule events at the library for children and adults, such as summer reading programs or book clubs where adults gather together to talk about what they’ve read. As a librarian, you’ll often be responsible for checking out books when people bring them to the desk or helping people with the computers when they need to conduct research, especially if they are unsure of how to utilize the system if they’ve never really been on a computer before. This career that’s all about books offers a salary of about $67,000 a year, higher if you work in a large city.
4. Radiology Technician
If you want to see new things each day without your days being repeats of each other, then consider majoring in radiology technology. This is another degree that takes about two years to complete. There are a few different employment opportunities including working in a hospital or working in a lab that only does ultrasounds. While working in this field, you’ll usually be able to talk to patients about their symptoms, why they’re having an exam performed, or about daily life so that they don’t focus on the scan. You should have the ability to comfort patients without offering too much information about a diagnosis until the scan is viewed by a doctor. This is a fun major because you can look at the inside of the body without performing surgery or other procedures. You’ll also be able to give people good news during important phases of their life, such as the gender of a baby. The average salary is close to $75,000 a year. Although this is a career that can be quiet during the day, it’s one that’s fun because of the equipment that you use and some of the things that you see inside the human body.
5. Artist
Let your creative juices flow by majoring in art. You’ll learn about everything from drawing to painting and sculpting along with a variety of other artistic methods to express your thoughts and feelings, to decorate, or to share with other people. With an art degree, you can become a teacher in an elementary, middle, or high school or teach in college. You could also teach private classes to those who want to learn some of the basics of art or who might want to improve some of the techniques that they already have without being in a large group setting. Another option with an art major is to work as a director in a museum. Your day will usually be filled with viewing art, learning about it, and showing it to other people instead of performing the same tasks every day as the world of art is often always changing. If you don’t want to work as an art teacher, you can always work as an art therapist. This is someone who helps people who might have mental, emotional, or physical issues deal with those issues by crafting instead of turning to other methods. You’ll be able to examine the type of artwork that you enjoy and focus on the platforms that you like as an art major so that you stay true to yourself. Depending on where you work and what you sell, the salary ranges from $50,000 a year to over $100,000.
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6. Astronomer
A fun major to look into is astronomy. Even though it involves looking at the stars, planets, and other details in the sky, it’s a bit more detailed than all of that. You can look at asteroids that are hurling through space, stars that are born and die, discover new planets that no one has seen before among a host of other activities that can be quite exciting. You’ll be responsible for recording the research that you conduct so that it can be easily read and interpreted by other members of the astronomy team. This is a career that usually means that you’ll work at night so that you can get the best views of the sky. It’s a career that is often breathtaking as you never know what you might see that other people can’t see with the naked eye. Aside from looking up at the sky, you could also work with different properties of matter to see how they interact with each other. You can look at different forms of energy to see how they are formed and how they deteriorate. This career allows you to conduct experiments for the general public as there are people who might want to look at the stars at night but don’t understand what they’re viewing. If there’s a special event, such as a meteor shower, then you can help plan a viewing event so that people can use the telescopes. If there is anything that other astronomers or even members of NASA need to be made aware of, you could be the person who offers the information that could result in making a big announcement. As an astronomer, you could make about $120,000 a year.
7. Event Planner
You’ll want to look into a business major for this career, but you’ll be able to work on your own instead of working in a large office in most situations. As an event planner, you can work with people who want to plan some of the most memorable times in their lives. You could help with planning weddings, retirement parties, birthdays, and community events. You do need to have an eye for organization as each detail needs to be carefully maintained. Part of this career also involves talking to people in the community who offer the services that are needed for the event, such as caterers, musicians, and decorators. You can get a business degree in about two years, and some schools do offer special classes that detail various aspects of events, such as cake decorating or designing. The major allows you to utilize the creative ideas that you have without doing a lot of hands-on work at the same time. While you might want to consider a business major, it’s not always necessary as you can sometimes take a few business classes and courses that are related to events before following another event planner to see how you would work in the field. Since you’ll be able to start your own business, you can set your own hours, allowing you the freedom to spend time with your family or to work another job if you only want to work as a planner part-time. You need to make sure all of the businesses that you coordinate with are set up at the venue for the event and that all of the deposits and payments are made along with ensuring that the clients you work with are ready and available on time so that your clients are happy and can focus on the event. An event planner can make about $80,000 a year depending on the number of events that are planned.
8. Chef
Cook up your favorite meal for a restaurant or for a small group when you obtain a degree as a chef. While in school, you’ll learn about all of the aspects of cooking and preparing a variety of meals for different tastes instead of only making meals that you would eat. You can then take the skills that you learn and the degree that you get to work in a large restaurant as a head chef. You can also work in a smaller setting if you don’t want to manage other people so that you can still showcase the skills that you have. Another option would be to become a private chef at a country club or for a family who might not want to cook every day. Along with preparing meals, you will usually be responsible for helping with the budget and for ordering the supplies and ingredients that are needed for cooking. As a chef, you will be responsible for reviewing current menus and making updates when needed so that restaurants always have dishes that are tasty and that meet the needs and desires of customers. The average salary is $75,000 a year with some chefs making more working in the private sector.
9. Journalist
Whether you work on television or as a newspaper writer, a journalist is a fun major to consider because you’re often in the middle of all of the news and action that’s taking place. You usually get to learn about all of the important details before they’re released to the public. You can edit news stories to make sure that they are told truthfully and with all of the information that needs to be relayed without causing a panic. Once you gather all of the details about a story, you can present those details by writing a story in a newspaper or magazine. You can also present those details on television while working as an anchor behind a desk. If you want to work in the field, you can use your major to work as a journalist who goes on assignments. This puts you literally in the middle of all of the action so that you get to talk to the people who are involved in the stories. While most stories are happy or offer news about good things that occur, there could be some that are heartbreaking or that are fast-paced and need your undivided attention. This is what keeps each day different and interesting as you never know what to expect when you clock in on your job. The average salary for a journalist is about $75,000 with some making as much as $100,000 a year depending on the type of work performed.
10. Fashion Designer
If you like clothing and the latest styles, then consider putting your own twist on fashion by being a designer. You’ll usually start by putting your ideas on paper and sketching the clothes, shoes, or accessories that you have in mind. Next, those ideas can be entered into a computer system so that they are brought to life before a prototype is made. Once the initial product is designed and you can see your ideas brought to life, you can then make adjustments so that it’s just what you want. You’ll be able to work with other designers across the world and possibly work with large designers who are high in the fashion industry. While working in fashion, you can design items for adults or children depending on which age range you want to work with along with designing clothing for a certain gender as there are demands for men’s and women’s fashions. One of the rewarding things about this career is that you can see people wearing the ideas that you had in your mind and that were crafted with a little fabric and attention to detail. You can usually average about $70,000 a year working as a fashion designer.
Choosing a college major can be a difficult process if you’re not sure what you want to do with your life. However, it doesn’t have to result in choosing a career that you might not be happy in or that doesn’t give the excitement that you want as there are fun majors that are available. The goal is to look at your skills and what you enjoy so that you want to go to work each day.
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