Science is magic that works – Kurt Vonnegut
What Exactly is STEM?
When we think of the digital age, and the technological advancements that have made possible the “gadget lifestyle” many of us enjoy today, rarely do we think about the people behind the code. The scientists and engineers who have created infinitely elaborate machines have made it so we can access information from anywhere, communicate with anyone, and learn anything, in ways that until recently were only possible to imagine while immersed in the pages of science fiction books. The many focus areas of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) means that there is a place for everyone in this exponentially lucrative field. Whether you have always known that you love to crunch numbers or if you are new to wanting to work for NASA, whether you grew up interested in designing more efficient plants and crops or you have only recently found your love of biochemical engineering, there is a place for you and a scholarship to help you learn how to make the most of your passion.
The Call for STEM Majors
As in many fields, the demand for women and minorities in the STEM professions is high, while extreme talent and dedication continues to be needed from everyone. It is not a secret that the cost of everything seems to be skyrocketing, within the STEM fields and for students who show promise therein, the support that companies, organizations, governmental programs, and foundations are supplying, is growing also. With the kinds of advancements that new applications for math are bringing to technology and engineering, and the growth these new applications are allowing for in science of all kinds, there is no ceiling to the ways that these degrees can be applied. For innovative minds who are interested in changing the world, these scholarships are ready to make your dreams a possibility.
Note: The deadlines for some of these scholarships have passed, however, we have included only those programs that appear to be long-standing and likely to continue. If you’ve missed this school year’s deadline, look again in a few months.
When talented students from diverse backgrounds have access to stellar education, the positive outcomes provides ripple effects for industry, communities, schools, families and organizations. Established in 1999, AfterCollege is an online matchmaker for students, employers, faculty and alumni that spans the country, designed to connect students to employment opportunities.The AfterCollege STEM Inclusion Scholarship uses these principles as a thesis for their impact and goals, calling underrepresented students who are pursuing degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math to apply for this comprehensive scholarship program coupled with internship opportunities. Since its inception, AfterCollege has provided over $1,000,000 in funding to students in the STEM fields.
This unique opportunity provides a direct portal from education to employment, and therefore upon review of applicants, the committee employs a lens of professionalism, excellent communication, and the applicant’s ability to follow directions to determine who is well suited for this distinction. Candidates must be currently enrolled in a degree program with an emphasis on a field the STEM umbrella covers, with the achievement of a 3.0 or higher. Work experience, including previous internships, part-time jobs and volunteer work, will be taken into account when choosing the most qualified student. Applicants must be registered members of AfterCollege to access the application.
The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) is known as the world’s largest technical society dedicated to the global aerospace profession, with the tagline of Shaping the Future of Aerospace. The goals of the organization center supporting the future of the aerospace field, by providing opportunities for the success of prospective students who are engaged in science and engineering programs. In fact, they have committed to match any individual or corporate donation of up to $1 million in unrestricted funds towards educational programming in the field. Throughout the last 20 years AIAA has granted over 750 scholarships and awards to students at a myriad of universities internationally. The offerings consist of undergraduate scholarships for college sophomores, juniors, and seniors, with the option for recipients to reapply each year until graduation. Additionally, they provide a highly regarded Graduate Awards Program, targeting graduate students who have a research record in the air and space fields.
The scholarships offered through the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics are many, and encompass a wide array of student goals and experiences in their outreach for applicants, and include both undergraduates and graduate students. Applicants must be current AIAA members, in good standing with the organization, with a successful record of completing one entire academic semester of full-time post-secondary course work, and remain enrolled in an accredited US institution of higher learning, in pursuit of a degree in the sciences and engineering field in line with the technical competencies of AIAA. The academic track record of each applicant must demonstrate of 3.33 cumulative GPA or higher to be considered.
American Society for Engineering Education was originally named the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education (SPEE), and premiered at the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893 amidst the initial exhibition of electricity. Since then, ASEE has evolved to work alongside many government entities including NASA and others. Much of their reach is to build bridges between academic institutions and the fields of science, engineering and technology. Consistent with this legacy, students can find beneath the National Defense Education Program umbrella, SMART (Science, Mathematics and Research for Transformation) Scholarship for Service Program, designed to encourage leaders in the STEM fields. They work to develop the top civilian scientists and engineers that will then have job security in the laboratories of the Department of Defense.
The Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) is designed for undergraduate or graduate students who are pursuing a degree in one of 19 STEM disciplines including: Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Biosciences, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemistry, and Cognitive, Neural and Behavioral Sciences. Applicants must be US citizens and interested/ available to partake in summer internships facilitated at the Department of Defense Facilities. Full tuition and any accrued education related fees are covered with this award, including a generous stipend, health insurance, and summer research internships coupled with mentoring. Awardees are given guaranteed employment by the Department of Defense upon graduation, and are expected to accept any position that is offered.
ASME Scholarship Foundation
ASME stands for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and their mission includes the promotion of art, science, and practice of multidisciplinary engineering and allied sciences around the globe. This innovative organization planted its first seeds in 1880, as a collaboration between an association of successful industrialists. Today ASME is a non-profit organization that is membership based, with more than 130,000 members, 32,000 of which are students. ASME brings together leaders in the engineering and tech industry, as they contribute to quality programming in professional development, research, and collaborations including through the means of conferences and publications, among other forms of training. The intended outcome of all of their innovation and collaboration is to improve public safety through networking, advocacy and dissemination of technical information.
ASME has an abundance of scholarship offerings; applicants must fill out the online application, and are then eligible to receive any of the awards for which they are qualified. It is required that candidates are ASME student members in good standing to apply; joining the organization is made easy on the website. In fact, students that are active in the organization will be given priority. All scholarship awards are granted directly to the student’s institution, with the regulation that funds go towards the awardees educational costs. One important criteria is that applicants must be full time students in the Mechanical Engineering field, including Mechanical Engineering Technology or engineering studies that are similar in caliber.
The Association of State Dam Officials offers an annual scholarship to STEM students interested in dam safety, construction, and maintenance. It’s a specific niche, yes, but one of significant importance to students in civil engineering and related fields.
The ASDO was founded in 1984 to promote dam safety, bringing together experts with public policymakers to address the concerns of America’s degrading infrastructure. In addition to its scholarship programs, the ASDO focuses on media, lobbying, and education for elected officials, civil service, and the general public.
A group of problem-solvers, architects, developers, and designers came together to form this successful mobile app and web development company. In 2015 this team of techies were a finalist for the South By Southwest Interactive Innovation Award, and were named one of the best places to work in Austin, Texas in 2016. Their job is to produce original apps for businesses and unique industries, and they have been accomplishing just that with almost 350 mobile and web apps to show. This a group that are inspired to be lifelong learners, and keep abreast with the cutting edge of technology and creative visioning.
One of the ways the BHW Group has given back to their communities is by creating the Women in STEM Academic Scholarship, designed for young women who are pursuing a graduate or undergraduate degree in the sciences, engineering, technology and/ or mathematics. The winner of the scholarship award will be determined by the quality of the application essay. There are two topics to choose from: 1: Tell us about a time an app played a significant role in improving your day; 2. What is your favorite app and what do you like about it? Essays should be between 500 and 800 words, and maybe formal or colloquial in form.
The Davidson Institute is a comprehensive non-profit organization, designed to nurture and support young, highly intelligent students, and creating opportunities for them to be challenged to ultimately create change. Headquartered in Reno, Nevada, Davidson created a local school for highly gifted students in 2006, that is free and open to students who have test scores in the 99.9 percentile. They also opened an online high school that is tuition-based, but geared towards high achieving students from around the country. They also have a plethora of other opportunities for young people and families of talented young people starting at age 5.
One of the many opportunities the Davidson Institute offers is the Davidson Fellows Scholarship Program, for which they have awarded over $6.7 million dollars to nearly 300 college bound students 18 and under. This has been named as one of the “10 biggest scholarships in the world.” Each precocious applicant must have created a significant piece of graduate level work that demonstrates their outstanding and professional capabilities. There are several categories for students to apply within, including: Engineering, Science, Technology, Literature, Mathematics, Music, Philosophy, and one titled Outside the Box. The honored Fellows must be able to attend the awards ceremony in Washington D.C.
Emerson is a company that has been known from creating residential and commercial automation solutions that tie into solving some of the largest questions in an uncertain marketplace. They are driven to use the world’s most precious resources responsibly, and furthering industries that allow for daily life to resume following natural disasters. They are known for many oil and gas projects that take into account the currents of industry and value, and provide innovative processes and outcomes. Beneath the Emerson umbrella is the fluid automation company, ASCO, a force where “flow control meets pneumatics,” as they offer a wide range of products that support production and industry expertise.
One of the many endeavors of ASCO are their Engineering College Scholarship opportunities, that are awarded to students who have completed the sophomore year of their undergraduate education, or are enrolled in a graduate program during the time of their application. The awards are specifically designed for students who are excelling in their engineering educations, who have the potential to contribute significantly to the fields of automation, instrumentation, and systems. Scholarship awards are granted directly to the students academic institution on their behalf, and the Engineering Department for which each winner is connected will also receive a $1000 gift. Students who achieve this award are eligible to apply for ASCO internship opportunities.
Many of us have heard of famous private philanthropic organization, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a leader in funding for education and anti-poverty ventures, since 2000. One of their many enterprises is the formation of the Gates Millennium Scholars Program, designed to increase diversity in higher education by providing access through scholarship opportunities for young talented students of color who are coming from marginalized backgrounds. The intention of this funding endeavor is to improve the global economy and quality of life by creating a diverse infrastructure of leaders from divergent backgrounds and orientations to the global sphere, and providing opportunities for students to break cycles of poverty.
The Gates Millennium Scholarship program specifically targets African American, Hispanic, Native American, and Asian/ Pacific Islander students who are pursuing an undergraduate education in any field. Continuing Gates Millennium Scholars are eligible to apply for graduate degree funding, however, they must be pursuing an advanced degree in one of the following: education, library science, mathematics, public health, the sciences, computer science. One thousand applicants are selected for an award each year, any most winners are retained for future awards. Award amounts are based on financial need, and cost of education.
Most of us immediately think of google when we are searching for an answer, trusting that it is right at our fingertips with this ubiquitous resource. Google is the face of information innovation, and has become synonymous with everyday research and inquiry. It is clear that google’s backbone lies in education and information accessibility, so it must be no surprise that the Google for Education arm was created to further this mission of access. This aspect of one of the successful companies in history was designed to influence students to become leaders in the fields of technology, regardless of the traditional barriers that make such success impenetrable.
The Generation Google Scholarship is an exciting opportunity for future computer scientists striving for success in the field through education. One of the most exciting aspects of this award is that recipients who are high school seniors are required to attend Google’s Computer Science Summer Institute, and current graduate or undergraduate recipients are invited to attend the Summer Scholars Retreat. Applicants must have an excellent academic record and demonstrated leadership and passion for the field, and also come from a demographic group who is underrepresented in the computer sciences. Students studying in the US will be awarded $10,000 and those studying in Canada will receive $5,000 CAD.
Great Minds in STEM is a passionate organization established with a mission to keep America at the front lines of technological advancement and specifically create more opportunities for underserved communities in the engineering, math, tech, and science fields. It is outlined extensively in their vision and mission that they want to provide as many opportunities as possible for minority students to pursue STEM in their educational endeavors, and therefore diversify the professional pathways for STEM disciplines. Another critical goal this organization prioritizes is the importance of recognizing hispanic achievement, among other leaders in STEM. It is also important for their trajectory to have practices around collaboration within the STEM community.
As per their mission, the Great Minds in STEM organization supports the HENAAC (Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Conference) Scholars Program, whose goal is to promote access to more domestic engineers and scientists from diverse backgrounds. One of the purposes of this scholarship to contribute to hispanic communities by bringing forth role models in the fields of STEM. Over 1,200 students have benefited from this scholarship program with over $3.2 million dollars awarded. Applicants must be hispanic and/ or have demonstrated a commitment to contributing to the hispanic community, have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and be in pursuit of a degree in science, technology, engineering or math.
The company Intertech has worked with small and fortune 500 companies to mentor, consult and train on technological endeavors. The Intertech Foundation wears many hats, but along the lines of their most valued work is proving avenues and inspiration for young people pursuing degrees and ultimately careers in the sciences, engineering, and/ or technology. They go about fulfilling this mission in many ways, but primarily by offering funding and scholarship opportunities to college students who have demonstrated high achievement in STEM, and as of 2017, they are specifically interested in supporting young software developers, or outstanding math and science students who are pursuing an education in computer science.
This computer sciences software development scholarship is designed specifically for students who are enrolled in or have been accepted to a four year accredited college or university situated in the US, though this is not required at the time of the application. Applicants must express their intent to study computer science, and an official transcript exhibiting a 3.3 or above GPA. A short essay is required about the applicant’s work ethic and their hopes for future accomplishment. Many things are taken into account when choosing winner, including involvement in relevant extracurricular activities such as the National First Robotics Challenge.
Kelly Engineering is a comprehensive engineer-centered staffing resource that works to bring together engineers with applicable opportunities, including placement in relevant companies, from small independents to Fortune 500s. They also have an extensive online training campus that offers over 3,000 free web-based courses enabling their constituents to develop up-to-date skills. They offer support from the intern level to PhD job searchers. They even offer internship and training programs beyond the online campus that allow for entry-level engineers to build their resume and gain invaluable experience in the field, many of which are paid summer internship or co-op opportunities.
Kelly Engineering’s offers substantial tuition discounts for their employees to attend a number of educational partners, including the University of Arizona Global Campus, Cleary University, and Colorado Technical University. Awards range from 20% to as much as 50% discount on tuition costs for online courses, allowing Kelly employees to improve their credentials conveniently and affordably.
Opening it’s door in 2000, Masergy is a software defined networking services company operating out of Plano, Texas. By 2015, they had 500 employees, and had amounted a $300 million dollar revenue in 2016. Masergy Communications has a lot to offer, as they provide cloud communications utility, hybrid networking, and managed cyber security for a variety of companies and organizations. Masergy has become an invaluable asset to many companies and organizations, and is almost viewed as an arm of IT departments across the country, due to their persistent innovation and customer services, supporting companies to simplify the embedded complexities of tech.
Masergy believes in the great importance of creating new and innovative leaders in the sciences, as STEM is a driver for the global economy and contemporary societies. In an effort to contribute to effective leadership development, they have created the Masergy STEM Scholarship program, granting a $5000 award to a student who is pursuing a degree in STEM. Applicants are judged primarily on the creativity and originality of their essay, for which the prompt is “How do you plan to evolve the STEM fields once you graduate?” Official transcripts from the student’s high school are also required upon application.
Referred to as The Alliance, the National Alliance for Hispanic Health, is a science based advocacy organization, and one of the largest sources of information on health issues that impact hispanic communities in the US. A groundbreaking partnership was developed between the Merck Foundation and Healthy Americas Foundation, establishing the Alliance/Merck Ciencia (Science), designed as a Hispanic Scholars program, opening doors for young hispanic prospective scientists. The Alliance also provides many mentoring opportunities for hispanic youth, as well as research experiences as an initiative to support hispanic youth to study a discipline that is STEM related. One of the ways they support hispanic students in the math and sciences is through their scholarship program.
Many hispanic students are first generation college attendees. Beyond the struggle to afford a postsecondary education for their children, hispanic parents of first generation students also have the disadvantage of not being able to coach their kids through the college or university system from a first-hand account. The Alliance has become a resource for hispanic undergraduate and graduate students who are focused on STEM, providing access to many needs-based and merit-based scholarships opportunities, as well as mentorship opportunities for students who could benefit from it the most. There are many sources that support these funding outlets, including private foundations, non-profit organizations, religious groups, and private institutions, among others. The Alliance/Merck Ciencia collaboration acts as an archive of funding resources geared towards linking hispanic students engaged in STEM disciplines with funding options.
The National Society of High School Scholars Foundation is a membership-based organization, designed to operate as an honors society, connecting talented students with applicable funding sources based on their interests. The organization is based in Atlanta, however, their reach is on an national and even global scale. Students with a GPA of 3.0 or better, who exhibit leadership, service, and character are invited into the membership base, and subsequently have access to a variety of internship and leadership opportunities, while also having access to apply to member only grants and scholarships, and invited to attend special events and trainings.
The National Society of High School Scholars Foundation has a an exclusive STEM funding arm, that is meant to support underrepresented and marginalized students who are pursuing a degree in one of the STEM fields. The primary goal of these funding sources are to diversity leadership in STEM, and provide more opportunities for young people to emerge as visionaries in the math and sciences realm. Many disciplines qualify students to be scholarship applicants in this field including, but not limited to: Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Biosciences and Pre-med, Geosciences, Oceanography, Operations Research, and Physics. In 2017, seven students received the STEM Scholarship award.
The National Society of Professional Engineers offers the Steinman Scholarship for students in their junior year of a STEM degree program. The Steinman Scholarship offers an award of $5000 for any student in an ABET-accredited program. Applicants are chosen based on grades, internships, coop experience, recommendations, and similar criteria. Winners will complete their scholarship by providing a written report on their professional goals and the role of the NSPE in meeting those goals.
The NSPE offers a number of scholarships for STEM students. Since 1934, the NSPE has provided services for members and advocated for engineering professionals in a number of ways, from awards to continuing education to lobbying.
New York State and the Higher Education Services Corporation joined together to create more opportunities for New York high school students to excel in the fields of STEM. The collaboration is especially exciting, because it birthed the New York State Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Incentive program, designed to support students from New York State to study STEM in their home state and gain subsequent employment in the field, and close to home, for at least five years following graduation. Any New York resident is eligible for this opportunity, and minorities and low-income students are especially encouraged to consider applying.
The NYS Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Incentive Program grants students in the top 10 percent of their class in the New York state high school system full tuition to attend one of the SUNY or CUNY schools, if they agree to work in the STEM field in New York for five years following graduation. Applicants must be US citizens, and have been a New York resident for a minimum of 12 months. Students must be entering a 2 or 4 year degree program at one of the SUNY or CUNY campuses directly from high school in order to receive this scholarship opportunity.
Palantir is a private company, located in Palo Alto, California that works with big data analysis, in efforts to counter terrorism and investigate fraud. Their client base includes The United States Department of Defense, The Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, and the Information Warfare Monitor. Palantir is known for their two products, Palantir Metropolis and Palantir Gotham. Both of these play different roles in finding cyber security solutions, crisis response, cyber security, healthcare delivery, defense, capital markets, among many big quandaries of our time. In 2014, Forbes named Palantir among the Silicon Valley’s most valued private technology companies, and was valued earlier in that year as a $9 million dollar company.
The Palantir Future Scholarship was launched in 2016 to celebrate and bring forward young underrepresented students who are invested in the STEM industries. This scholarship is not only a generous $10,000 award towards post-secondary education, but it is a comprehensive opportunity to engage deeply with this highly competitive company. Award recipients are honored by an invitation to Palantir’s Palo Alto headquarters, where they are given a full day workshop, coupled with demos of their Palantir’s cutting edge technology and approach to the work that they do. Select participants are then offered an internship with Palantir, as a set-up for a future successful career in STEM.
The SAE Foundation’s tagline inspiring curiosity in STEM: helping students succeed, educators excel, and corporations achieve their business goals. As noted, much of their mission is about actualizing technically advanced visions as a catalyst for local and global change. SAE International has formed a collaboration with BMW to honor excellence in engineering, in line with BMW’s commitment to designing superior high-performance vehicles, that include high performance combustible internal engines. SAE has many additional projects that relate to their vision and innovation, including a chapter titled: A World in Motion, where they bring STEM educational projects to students in grades K-8, and aligns them to the currents of educational standards.
The BMW/ SAE International Scholarship was designed to contribute to the pool of well trained engineers, mathematicians, and scientists for the future well being of the global economy and society at large. This collaboration offers one scholarship per year, which may be renewed, based on re-application for three years. Applicants must be US citizens with a grade point average of 3.75 or better, and rank in the 90 percentile in the critical reading and math sections of the SAT or ACT. Prospective winners must also be entering an ABET accredited program in engineering or the sciences to qualify for the award.
The Siemens Foundation is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1998, and has made a name for itself creating the Siemens Science Day, which advocates for math and the sciences as a guiding force in the lives of young people. They are also known for creating the Siemens Competition, which is part of their over $100 million contribution to furthering workforce development and educational STEM initiatives. They are a tireless force in bringing young people to the center of contemporary STEM enterprise and innovation, seeing that the world has top engineers and scientists for the futures we are creating.
The Siemens Competition in Math, Science and Technology was founded in 1999, as the world’s most renowned science research competition for high school students. These awards encourage collaboration, as well as individual projects that take on intensive scientific research, tackling large scale concerns, in affirmation of successful future careers in STEM. Many awards will be granted, with a first and second place prize of $50,000 and $100,000 respectively. Applicants can compete as members of a 2-3 person team, or as individuals. Siemens is also excited to match applicants with mentorship if desired, and an inquiry as such can be submitted on the competition website. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply for these prestigious awards.
Society for Science and the Public has the tagline Support credible science Journalism, as they are a tireless contributor to science literacy in many capacities, and have been since their inception in 1991, when they were called Science Service. One of the ways they support their mission is by creating distinctly acclaimed publications, including Science News, which came out with an online component in 1996. In 2003 they created a youth friendly version called Science News for Kids in 2013, later named Science News for Students, which has become a critical resource for young people pursuing an education in STEM.
One of the nation’s most most distinguished and oldest science and math competitions for high school seniors is called the Regeneron Talent Search, which has been offered since 1942. This competition has been a project of the Society for Science and the Public with many collaborators, the most current being Regeneron, who has made a 10-year $100 million commitment. The award is promotes an opportunity for the most talented young STEM innovators to present their critical research to some of the top scientists of our time. This award recognizes 300 high school seniors who apply with their outstanding research, 40 of whom will be flown to DC for the final judging.
The Society for Women Engineers is a celebration of women in STEM, a support network, a cutting edge educational and service organization non-profit founded in 1950. Their membership base is over 37,000 with more than 100 professional sections in the United States, and 300 student sections. This organization was founded during World War II, when there was a dearth in male labor, and women were granted new opportunities to develop the necessary skills for excellence in engineering. Chapters of Society of Women Engineers popped up at universities as a force of support, and collaboration for young women to enhance their skills and have embedded networking opportunities.
The Society of Women Engineers Scholarship opportunity provides financial support for young women in pursuit of a bachelor’s or graduate degree in STEM, as they prepare for a career path that utilizes the sciences, mathematics, engineering, and/or research. In 2016, 230 scholarship awards were granted with a total of $750,000 in funds. The application is open to sophomore students, and higher, with a different application for freshman. Once the application is completed, students are then placed in a pool where they are eligible for many scholarship opportunities, of varying amounts. Applicants must be planning to attend an ABET accredited program full-time, and funds may be used during the academic year to come.
Women Techmakers was created in 2012 as a one time per year event, created by the vice president of Google, Megan Smith. It has since been taken over by a global team of Googlers, and the head of Global Programs, Natalie Villalobos, with extensive goals of increasing visibility for women in tech, while also bolstering available resources, and sharing community for women in a male-dominated field. They offer many networking and workshop opportunities year round, including a new public speaking working group for 35 women from around the globe. Women are invited to apply to be part of this community, and therefore have access to a bounty of career oriented resources and support. Women Techmakers is constantly evolving and offering new resources for women in the industry, including trials of new programming and initiatives.
The Women Techmakers Scholar Program was formally known as the Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship Program, in honor of Dr. Borg’s fierce commitment to bridging the gap for women in STEM, and commitment to helping women become a face of leadership in tech. The scholars program has three elements for which it is comprised, one being the scholarship opportunity awarded to a woman who has shown academic excellence and leadership in tech. The second element is a retreat which brings young women to the table with google mentors, providing access to professional development and a myriad of workshops and trainings. The last aspect is the Global Community that acts as an online resource. The scholarship is a one time award, where previous finalists are encouraged to re-apply.
Xerox has become a household name, known as the leader in photographic reproduction, and ubiquitously synonymous with photo copying machines and processes. Xerox as a corporation has an early history, dating back to 1906 when they founded The Haloid Photographic Company, which was known for manufacturing photographic paper and equipment. The evolution of this common procedure began with an analog idea, using an electrically charged photoconductor, a coated metal plate, and dry powder “toner” and has evolved into the automated, digital machines that are beside the water cooler of every corporation, agency, educational institution, and community group today. With this history of ingenuity and strong track record embedded in the Xerox name, a little giving back has also been a priority of Xerox for quite some time.
Not only is Xerox known for their huge contribution to reproduction in every institution around the world, but it is also a renowned seeker of academic success for minority students in the technical fields. It is a true value and mission for Xerox to contribute to the bridging of a global achievement gap for young people, and subsequently they have created the Technical Minority Scholarship Program for minority students with a B average or above, who are enrolled in a four-year institution, and exhibit financial need. The scholarship is exclusively for citizens of the US and permanent residents, who are enrolled in pursuit of a degree in the technical or engineering sciences.