Biggest Schol­ar­ships for LGBTQ Students Top 25 Schol­ar­ships 2022

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CC Top 25 Scholarships 2022 08

As college costs continue to rise and tuition prices hitting all-time highs, many LGBTQ (Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgendered, and Queer) students are looking for ways that they can control the rising costs of a college education without having to take out student loans and incur massive amounts of student debt. For many LGBTQ students, a college education seems far too expensive and not a realistic option based upon their socioeconomic situation. These same LGBTQ students also recognize forgoing a college education in this job market can prove disastrous as more and more jobs today require some form of college education. Having to choose between incurring college debt or struggling on the job market has caused a great deal of stress for queer students and other LGBTQ students. However, LGBTQ students have another option: scholarships.

A great way to fund a college education, scholarships can help transgender and other LGBTQ students dramatically decrease the amount of money that they’ll need to spend to complete their college degree. While many students do not take the time to apply for scholarships because they believe that they are far too competitive to actually win or they don’t award enough money to make it worth the time, those students couldn’t be any further off base. Last year, an estimated $46 billion was made available to students through scholarships and grant money in the United States. That is free money just waiting to be claimed by eager LGBTQ students who are hoping to lower the out-of-pocket cost of a college education.

Scholarships are awarded to students for all types of reasons. Many scholarships are specifically awarded to students from specific groups. Lesbian and other LGBTQ students have the fortunate situation of being able to choose from a wide variety of LGBTQ scholarships. These scholarships are made available by individuals and organizations who want to help support gay and other LGBTQ students as they work towards pursuing a college education. Wanting to create more diversity in academia and in the workplace, these LGBTQ scholarships help propel bright and talented LGBTQ students into a successful academic career. Here’s a list of the largest scholarships available to LGBTQ students.

Screen Shot 2018 05 24 at 2.10.48 PMThe Point Foundation Scholarship is offered to students by the Point Foundation. The nation’s largest scholarship-granting organization for LGBTQ students, The Point Foundation was founded in order to provide LGBTQ students with the support that they need to receive a college education. The Point Foundation provides support to LGBTQ students through three different initiatives: Leadership Development, Mentorship, and Scholarship Funding. The Leadership Development aspect of the Point Foundation is designed to provide training to LGBTQ students to prepare them for leadership roles out in the job market. The Mentorship program provides students with access to role models and scholars that can assist them and give them guidance through their academic careers. Finally, the Scholarship Funding helps to reduce the cost of a college degree for LGBTQ students.

One of the biggest scholarships available to gay students as well as other students from the LGBTQ community, the Point Foundation Scholarship has been awarding scholarships since 2002. Since then, the Point Foundation has awarded over $18 million in scholarship money to exceptional LGBTQ students across the United States. In that time, the Point Foundation has also helped hundreds of LGBTQ students graduate and go on to become mentors to upcoming recipients of the Point Foundation Scholarship. Selected based on their academic performance and impact on their local community, Point Foundation Scholarship recipients are eligible to receive up to $13,600 in scholarship funding for the college or university of their choosing. 

Screen Shot 2018 05 24 at 2.10.48 PMThe Walter M. Decker Point Scholarship in Perpetuity is made available by The Point Foundation. The largest scholarship-granting organization for LGBTQ students in the nation, the Point Foundation was started in order to raise money to help LGBTQ students pay for their college and university educations. The Point Foundation also provides support to students beyond scholarships. Leadership Development and Mentorship programs are also maintained by the Point Foundation in order to ensure that LGBTQ students have the skills and support that they need to succeed in their college educations and in the workplace. The Point Foundation also works with individual donors in order to create named scholarship programs that are made in honor of a particular group, company, or individual.

One such scholarship is the Walter M. Decker Point Scholarship in Perpetuity. Created and funded by the Point Foundation, the Walter M. Decker Point Scholarship in Perpetuity was started in honor of accomplished radiologist, Dr. Decker. Walter M. Decker spent most of his life feeling unable to express who he truly was. Not wanting young LGBTQ students to go through what he did, the Point Foundation has helped to create a scholarship in his name in order to act as a symbol to bisexual students and other members of the LGBTQ community, letting them know that it’s okay to be who they are. Offered to students on an academic basis, the Walter M. Decker Point Scholarship awards students up to $10,000 in scholarship funding to be used towards their college education helping to make this one of the biggest scholarships available to LGBTQ students. 

image 10The Live Out Loud Young Trailblazers Scholarship is offered to students by Live Out Loud.  Nonprofit organization, Live Out Loud has been operating since 2002. Started in order to provide LGBTQ youth with the empowerment and inspiration that they need to succeed in their professional careers, Live Out Loud has created a variety of different initiatives, programs, and events designed to enrich the LGBTQ community. Live Out Loud has always been committed to helping to teach LGBTQ youth about how to succeed in all aspects of their life including their academia, their careers and their relationships. The organization has also worked to bring more LGBTQ role models and mentors into contact with LGBTQ students in order to inspire them and to show them the successes that LGBTQ students are capable of.

One major way that Live Out Loud has been able to help the LGBTQ community is through the Live out Loud Young Trailblazers Scholarship. Open to Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgendered, and Queer students, the Live Out Loud Young Trailblazers Scholarship is meant to help transgender students and all other members of the LGBTQ community who are not only academically gifted but have shown great leadership skills within their local communities and have demonstrated their commitment to the LGBTQ community. This year, Live Out Loud will award three scholarships in total to LGBTQ students. One of the biggest scholarship available to LGBTQ students, the Live Out Loud Scholarship awards three students with $10,000 in scholarship money for their college education. 

Screen Shot 2018 05 19 at 2.22.17 PMThe Pacific Gas & Electric Company PrideNetwork ERG Scholarship is made possible by the Pacific Gas & Electric Company. Founded in 1905, the Pacific Gas & Electric Company is now the main supplier of electricity and natural gas to over two-thirds of Californians. One of the largest utilities businesses in the United States, the Pacific Gas & Electric Company is a majorly traded company that has accumulated large amounts of wealth. Through this accumulation of wealth, the Pacific Gas & Electric Company has worked to invest this wealth in initiatives and programs designed to give back to to local communities. Wanting to ensure that the company is contributing to a bright future, the Pacific Gas & Electric company helps to support young people across all different communities.

One of the ways that the Pacific Gas & Electric Company accomplishes this is through offering the Pacific Gas & Electric Company PrideNetwork ERG Scholarship. One of the biggest scholarships available to LGBTQ students, the Pacific Gas & Electric Company PrideNetwork ERG Scholarship is meant to award LGBTQ students who are interested in pursuing a careering Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Wanting to help attract more trans students as well as other members of the LGBTQ community to STEM careers, Pacific Gas & Electric Company created this scholarship in order to offer financial support to students who choose to pursue this field of study. Pacific Gas & Electric has awarded over two-hundred scholarships just last year. If selected students will receive up to $10,000 in scholarship support through this program. 

Screen Shot 2018 05 24 at 2.08.39 PMThe PFund Scholarship is made possible by the Pfund Foundation. Founded in 1987, the PFund Foundation has worked to promote and support LGBTQ communities across Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Recognizing homophobia and transphobia as the biggest threats to the wellbeing of the LGBTQ community, the PFund Foundation has worked to create initiatives and programs in order to combat these issues while invigorating and inspiring the next generation of leaders in the LGBTQ community. Through hard work and generous donations, the PFund Foundation has been able to provide support for LGBTQ students and community members across the Upper Midwest and the United States at large. Through their financial support, the PFund Foundation has helped to cultivate the next generation of LGBTQ leaders.

One of the biggest scholarships available to LGBTQ students, the PFund Scholarship awards queer students and other members of the LGBTQ community who have proven to be bold leaders in their communities. Awarded to students based on their academic performance as well as their ability to lead within their local communities, this scholarship is available to all LGBTQ students. Through generous donations, the PFund Foundation is able to provide scholarship support to many LGBTQ students each and every year. If selected for the PFund Scholarship, students are able to receive up to $10,000 in scholarship money to be applied to the college or university of their choosing. 

Screen Shot 2018 05 24 at 2.06.14 PMThe Pride Foundation Scholarship is made possible by The Pride Foundation. Established in 1985, The Pride Foundation was created to raise money in order to help LGBTQ people face the many challenges facing their community starting in this time period. Wanting to help ensure that donations were reaching the LGBTQ people who need them most, The Pride Foundation founded itself as a public foundation meant to create more transparency in the donation and assistance of LGBTQ people. Now, The Pride Foundation has grown to have invested over $72 million into various students, organizations, and communities within Alaska, Idaho, Montano, Oregon, and Washington. Through their hard work, The Pride Foundation has been able to champion the LGBTQ community in this region of the United States.

The Pride Foundation Scholarship is just one of the many ways that The Pride Foundation continues to support and promote the future of the LGBTQ community. First established by activist Brian M. Day, The Pride Foundation Scholarship has continued to provide gay students and other LGBTQ students with the financial support that they need to succeed in their academic careers. Offered to LGBTQ students within Alaska, Idaho, Montano, Oregon, and Washington, The Pride Foundation Scholarship is awarded to students who have demonstrated high academic performance as well as having had a large impact on their local communities. If selected for The Pride Foundation Scholarship, students will be awarded up to $10,000 to be used at whatever school they choose. 

Screen Shot 2018 05 24 at 2.05.39 PMThe Rainbow Scholarship is offered to students by the Rainbow Special Interest Group. Made up of members of NAFSA, the Rainbow Special Interest Group was created to help LGBTQ students who want to study abroad. Wanting to provide support to students from the LGBTQ community who are considering studying outside of the United States, the Rainbow Special Interest Group has worked to raise money to help provide scholarship money to this community of students as well as to create programs that can help students make decisions about their education as well as provide them with support while they are participating in a study abroad program. Believing that LGBTQ students should have just as much access to an international education as any student, the Rainbow Special Interest Group has worked to help those interested in study abroad programs to achieve their goals.

One of the biggest scholarships available to LGBTQ students, The Rainbow Scholarship is awarded to academically gifted lesbian and other LGBTQ students. Designed specifically for LGBTQ students who are planning to study abroad, The Rainbow Scholarship requires that recipients must spend a minimum of four weeks outside of the country in a study abroad program. This scholarship is made available to all LGBTQ students throughout the United States. If selected for The Rainbow Scholarship, students will receive up to $10,000 to go towards their domestic as well as their international education. The Rainbow Scholarship provides LGBTQ students with the unique experience of studying outside of the United States. 

image 9The eQuality Scholarship is made possible by the eQuality Scholarship Collaborative. Created in 1989, the eQuality Scholarship Collaborative is made up of individuals and organizations from across the San Francisco Bay Area. Through contributions from a variety of different individuals and groups, the eQuality Scholarship Collaborative has worked to support LGBTQ students and LGBTQ educations alike. The eQuality Scholarship Collaborative is sponsored by Horizons Foundation. One of the leading forces in the LGBTQ movement, the Horizons Foundation has been supporting the LGBTQ community through initiatives like the eQuality Scholarship Collective for over thirty years. Through the collaboration of organizations like these, LGBTQ students are able to receive the academic and financial support they need to succeed.

One of the biggest scholarships available to LGBTQ students, the eQuality Scholarship has awarded over $1.3 million since it began. The eQuality Scholarship program was created to award bisexual students as well as other LGBTQ students from California. In order to be eligible for the eQuality Scholarship, students must be choosing to enroll in a medical school in pursuit of a nursing degree of some kind. Students must also be from California in order to be selected for this scholarship. The eQuality Scholarship will be awarded based upon academic performance. The student who is selected for the eQuality Scholarship will receive up to $6,000 in academic support towards their college education. 

Screen Shot 2018 05 24 at 2.04.17 PMThe Gay Asian Pacifica Alliance Foundation Scholarship is made possible by the Gay Asian Pacific Alliance Foundation. Based out of the San Francisco Bay Area, the Gay Asian Pacific Alliance was created to help support Asian / Pacific Islanders within the Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgendered, and Queer community. The Gay Asian Pacific Alliance has been able to provide support to the LGBTQ community through the creation of programs that provide young LGBTQ students with leadership development opportunities as well as mentorship programs designed to enrich and help these students grow. Through fundraising initiative, the Gay Asian Pacific Alliance has raised funding that has been allocated towards the financial support of LGBTQ students as they work towards their college educations in the form of scholarships and grants. 

One of the biggest scholarships available to LGBTQ students, the Gay Asian Pacific Alliance Foundation Scholarship is offered to students who are part of the LGBTQ community as well as the Asian / Pacific Islander community. Aimed at students who have been part of either these communities or have had positive impacts on these communities, the Gay Asian Pacific Alliance Foundation Scholarship awards transgender students as well as other LGBTQ students who have worked to be strong leaders in their local communities. Students are selected for this scholarship off of their academic performance as well as their acts of community service. If selected for the Gay Asian Pacific Alliance Foundation Scholarship, students will receive up to $5,000 for their college education. 

Screen Shot 2018 05 24 at 2.03.28 PMThe Out to Innovate Scholarship for LGBTQ+ STEM Students is offered to students through the National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals. Formally established in August 1983, the National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals grew out the intersection of a variety of different organizations that were regionally created to champion LGBTQ people in STEM fields. Based upon the Triangle Area Gay Scientists and Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Scientists organizations, the National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals worked to create a nationwide organization that was designed to help support LGBTQ scientists as they pursued educations and careers in STEM-related fields. 

One of the ways that the National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists has supported trans students as well as other LGBTQ students is through the creation of the Out to Innovate Scholarship for LGBTQ+ Students in STEM. One of the biggest scholarships available to LGBTQ students, the Out to Innovate Scholarship for LGBTQ+ Students in STEM was created in order to help attract young students from the LGBTQ community to careers in STEM. Awarded to students who have demonstrated high academic proficiency, the Out to Innovate Scholarship for LGBTQ+ Students in STEM is awarded to the brightest LGBTQ students. If selected for The Out to Innovate Scholarship for LGBTQ+ STEM Students, students will receive $5,000 in scholarship funding for the college or university of their choosing. 

image 8The 49 Fund Educational Scholarship is offered to students by The 49 Fund. Started by local Orlando business owner, Barry L. Miller, the 49 Fund was created in remembrance of the forty-nine victims of the Pule Night Club Shooting of 2016. Since its creation, The 49 Fund has worked to raise money to award to exceptional LGBTQ students from across the central Florida area. Wanting to help cultivate the next generation of young and talented leaders in the LGBTQ community, The 49 Fund works to provide support to exceptional gay students and other LGBTQ students in order to work towards a future where awful tragedies like the Pulse Night Club Shooting can be stopped. Through the enrichment of the LGBTQ community, The 49 Fund hopes to honor the memories of those lost on that tragic day.

The 49 Fund Educational Scholarship is the culmination of all the work of those at The 49 Fund. One of the biggest scholarships available to bisexual and other LGBTQ students, The 49 Fund has awarded scholarships to ten students each year since the creation of The 49 Fund. Students are selected to be recipients of The 49 Fund Education Scholarship based upon their academic performance and their leadership within the LGBTQ community. If selected for The 49 Fund Educational Scholarship, students will receive a scholarship in the amount of $4,900 in remembrance of the forty-nine people who were tragically killed during the Pulse Night Club Shooting. Students will be able to use that money at the college or university of their choosing. 

Screen Shot 2018 05 24 at 1.59.21 PMThe Traub-Dicker Rainbow Scholarship is made available to students by the Stonewall Community Foundation. Founded in 1990 as a response to the tumultuous time of the 1980s, the Stonewall Foundation was created as a collection of different donor funds united to help support the LGBTQ community. Since then, the Stonewall Community Foundation has grown to support a variety of smaller organizations each specializing in different ways to support the LGBTQ community. The Stonewall Foundation has awarded over $19 million in funding to LGBTQ organizations and individuals since its founding and has helped to fund 110 organizations per year. Serving over 30 issue areas, the Stonewall Community Foundation has worked to provide funding to different organizations in order to advance the cause of LGBTQ people.

One such way that the Stonewall Community Foundation has been able to help support the LGBTQ community has been through the creation of The Train-Dicker Rainbow Scholarship. Established by Peggy Traub and Phyllis Dicker to encourage women-identified lesbians to pursue a higher education, the Traub-Dicker Rainbow Scholarship is now awarded to LGBTQ students who demonstrate high academic performance while also exemplifying outstanding community service, leadership, and commitment to working towards solving issues impacting the LGBTQ community. If selected for the Traub-Dicker Rainbow Scholarship, students will receive up to $3,000 in scholarship funding towards their education. 

Screen Shot 2018 05 24 at 2.01.18 PMThe New York Ramblers Scholarship is offered to U.S. students by the Ramblers Soccer Club New York. Founded in 1980, the Ramblers Soccer Club New York was born out of an ad in the Village Voice seeking gay men who were interested in playing soccer in Central Park. Those few men who showed up on that day helped to create the first organized openly-gay soccer club.  Since then, the Ramblers Soccer Club New York has acted as a safe place for gay men to come to gather and socialize outside of traditional places to meet such as bars or clubs. Now, the Ramblers Soccer Club New York works to advance its goal of breaking down stereotypes about gay people in sports and working to bring all people together to enjoy the sport of soccer regardless of background or orientation.

One way that the Ramblers Soccer Club New York works to inspire the acceptance of LGBTQI people is through The New York Ramblers Scholarship, which is made available to exceptional LGBTQI student athletes and demonstrated allies each year pursuing an undergraduate education. Ramblers Scholars are selected based on their academic and athletic achievements as well as their civic engagement within their local communities. If selected, students will receive up to $2,500 in scholarship aid to the college or university of their choosing. The annual deadline to apply is June 1.

Screen Shot 2018 05 24 at 2.00.10 PMThe LEAGUE Foundation Academic Scholarship is offered to students by The LEAGUE Foundation. Founded in 1996, The LEAGUE Foundation was established in order to help LGBTQ students with support for their college educations. Since its creation, $285,500 has been raised to help LGBTQ students pay for their academic pursuits beyond high school. Starting as just a grassroots organization, The LEAGUE Foundation soon grew to gain funding from individuals, organizations, and corporations from all fifty states. Working together with the common goal of helping LGBTQ students pursue a higher education, The LEAGUE Foundation has united many different individuals and groups to help raise money for this very worthy cause that ensures that all people are represented in higher education.

One of the biggest scholarships available to lesbian students as well as other LGBTQ students, The LEAGUE Foundation Academic Scholarship has been awarded yearly to several LGBTQ students each year since its creation in 1996. Created to inspire more LGBTQ students to continue to pursue their education beyond high school, The LEAGUE Foundation Academic Scholarship has provided many students with the financial contributions that they needed to afford their college education. In order to be selected for The LEAGUE Foundation Academic Scholarship, students must demonstrate high academic performance as well as involvement in community service. If selected, students will be awarded up to $2,500 towards their college education. 

Screen Shot 2018 05 24 at 1.57.20 PMThe Hampton Roads Pride Scholarship is made possible by Hampton Roads Pride. Established in 1997, Hampton Roads Pride is a community-based, non-profit organization. With the mission of uniting the LGBTQ community and allied communities to support inclusion, dignity, and equality for all people, Hampton Roads Pride has been working for over two decades in order to advance the inclusion and treatment of LGBTQ community members. Hampton Roads Pride has been able to support these goals by providing a home to LGBTQ organizations across the United States, working to help Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgendered, and Queer communities build their communities to make them stronger, working through advocacy and outreach about the LGBTQ community, and offering the scholarship to LGBTQ students in order to help them receive higher educations. 

One of the biggest scholarships available to trans students as well as other LGBTQ students, the Hampton Roads Pride Scholarship has been awarded over twenty-five times totaling over $60,000 in scholarship money to LGBTQ students. Started in 2007, the Hampton Roads Pride Scholarship has been awarding exceptional LGBTQ students with the financial support that they need to complete their college education. Offered to students based upon their academic performance as well as their involvement in their own communities, the Hampton Roads Pride Scholarship has celebrated some of the brightest minds in the LGBTQ community. If selected for the Hampton Roads Pride Scholarship, students will receive $1,600 in scholarship funding towards their college education.

Screen Shot 2018 05 24 at 1.58.47 PMThe SOULE Scholarship is made possible for students by the SOULE Foundation. Founded in order to help support LGBTQ students of color, the SOULE Foundation was born out of a desire to create an organization that could help support, develops and promote education advancements for this group of students. Started by the multimedia company, SOULE, the SOULE Foundation has been a major force in advancing the issues that affect the LGBTQ people of color community. The SOULE Foundation offers support to LGBTQ students through a variety of different programs including mentorship for LGBTQ students, special programming, and events, as well as scholarships and grants that are meant to help support LGBTQ students of color throughout their pursuit of a higher education.

One of the biggest scholarships available to transgender students as well as all other LGBTQ students, the SOULE Scholarship was created to celebrate and reward exceptional LGBTQ students who are also people of color. Assessing a need for support, the SOULE Foundation hoped that this particular scholarship would help to inspire students from this community to pursue a college education and use their education to return to their communities in order to better them. Students are selected for this scholarship based on their academic performance and their civic engagement within their community. If selected for the SOULE Scholarship, students will receive $2,500 for the college or university of their choosing. 

Screen Shot 2018 05 19 at 2.07.35 PMThe Better Brothers LA Book Scholarship is made possible by Better Brothers Los Angeles. A nonprofit organization based out of Los Angeles, Better Brothers Los Angeles was created in order to connect and inspire the Black LGBTQ community in Southern California. Hoping to increase support for this group of people, Better Brothers Los Angeles has tirelessly worked to create a community for black LGBTQ individuals. Working to help these people overcome cultural and religious opposition to their orientation, Black Brothers Los Angeles offers a variety of year-round social, educational, and affirming program designed to support the black LGBTQ community. Once a year, Black Brothers Los Angeles comes together for the Truth Awards Ceremony to honor allies and members of the community.

One of the other ways that Better Brothers Los Angeles has supported the black LGBTQ community is through the creation of the Better Brothers LA Book Scholarship. Created to help black gay students and other black LGBTQ students, the Better Brothers LA Book Scholarship awards scholarship money to exceptional black LGBTQ students in order to help them purchase textbooks and other school supplies for their college degree programs. An often overlooked part of the college experience, textbooks and supplies can quickly become very costly for students. The Better Brothers LA Book Scholarship hopes to help alleviate some of that pressure for black LGBTQ students who have demonstrated high academic performance and engagement within their community. If selected for the Better Brothers LA Scholarship, students will receive $1,500 in scholarship funding for their textbooks and supplies for college.

Screen Shot 2018 05 24 at 1.52.49 PMThe David Womack Memorial LGBT Scholarship is offered to students by the IanThom Foundation. Formed by Ian C. Gibson-Smith and Thomas G. Martin, The IanThom Foundation is nonprofit organization created to help support and enhance the life of LGBTQ people. Created after the death of Thomas G. Martin, The IanThom Foundation has provided strategic donations to various LGBTQ groups and individuals over the years in order to help support the community and advance the rights of LGBTQ community members. Since its creation, over $750,000 has been raised for the LGBTQ community, $650,000 of which was donated to LGBTQ charity organizations.  Focusing on providing small donations to a variety of different groups, The IanThom Foundation has worked to provide aid to as many different areas of the LGBTQ community as possible. 

One of the biggest scholarships available to bisexual students and LGBTQ students, the David Womack Memorial Scholarship is offered to students in remembrance of David Womack. A notable member of the LGBTQ community, David Womack passed away in March of 2011. Wanting to honor his legacy, the David Womack Memorial Scholarship was established in order to award talented and academically gifted members of the LGBTQ community who lived in the West Virginia area. Students are selected for the David Womack Memorial Scholarship based upon their academic performance as well as their engagement with the LGBTQ community. If selected, students will receive $1,000 in scholarship aid.

image 7The Follansbee-Hansen Scholarship is awarded to students by PFLAG Sacramento. Established in 1982, PFLAG Sacramento was helped to provide support for the LGBTQ community in Sacramento. An acronym, PFLAG stands for Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays. Created in order to create a community for not just LGBTQ people, but also the people that are are a part of their lives and support them, PFLAG Sacramento has worked to improve the overall health and well-being of members of the LGBTQ community. This is accomplished through a variety of different outreach, educational, and philanthropical operations by PFLAG Sacramento. By supporting the local LGBTQ community, PFLAG Sacramento hopes to make a difference in the way that people view those that are different from them in hopes to bring people closer and to make the world a more accepting place.

One of the biggest scholarships available to LGBTQ students, the Follansbee-Hansen Scholarship was created in honor of chapter founders Mrs. Merrill Follansbee and Jean Hansen. Designed to celebrate exceptional transgender students and other LGBTQ students, the Follansbee-Hansen Scholarship is awarded to college freshmen and graduating high school seniors who are members of the LGBTQ community. These students must also be from the Sacramento area. Students are selected for their academic performance as well as their engagement within the local LGBTQ community. The Follansbee-Hansen Scholarship awards $1,000 in scholarship money to whoever is selected to win this scholarship.


Out to Protect Scholarship

Screen Shot 2018 05 24 at 1.51.27 PMThe Out to Protect Scholarship is offered to students by Out to Protect. Founded by Greg Miraglia in 2009, Out To Protect was founded in order to bring greater awareness to LGBTQ people who are working in law enforcement or are planning on pursuing a career in law enforcement. Noticing a lack of diversity and a lack of education within the law enforcement community regarding LGBTQ individuals, Out to Protect was created to offer training to law enforcement recruits and law enforcement agencies in order to teach them how to properly treat and interact with the LGBTQ members of law enforcement. Wanting to create greater understanding and respect, Out to Protect has raised money continuously to fund different acts of philanthropy to help support the LGBTQ law enforcement community. 

One of the biggest scholarships available to LGBTQ students, the Out to Protect Scholarship is awarded to trans students and other LGBTQ students who are enrolled in a basic law enforcement training program. The Out to Protect Scholarship was created in order to encourage and inspire more LGBTQ students to consider a career in law enforcement. Through the creation of the Out to Protect Scholarship, Out to Protect hopes to bring more diversity to law enforcement while also embedding bright and talented LGBTQ people within these organizations in order to better teach people how to accept and treat LGBTQ individuals.  If selected for the Out to Protect Scholarship, students are awarded $1,000 in scholarship money towards their education. 

stonewall logoThe Traub-Dicker Rainbow Scholarship is intended to help lesbian women pursue their higher education. Founded by Peggy Traub and Phyllis Dicker, the scholarship provides 1-year scholarships in the amount of $1500 or $3000 to students in both undergraduate and graduate programs. Applicants should show their commitment to community service and leadership and their academic achievement.

Psychoanalyst Phyllis Dicker and her late wife Peggy Traub, an acclaimed business executive, were well-known as philanthropists in New York City.

stonewall logoThe Little Bird Scholarship provides up to $18,000 for two years of school for LGBTQ and intersex college students who are undocumented or refugees. This scholarship is specifically to help rising juniors and seniors in an accredited New York school complete their education with less financial stress. The Stonewall Foundation assures applicants that their information will be kept confidential.

The Stonewall Foundation is one of the nation’s most influential LGBTQ organizations. Since its beginning in 1990, the Stonewall Foundation has grown to fund more than 100 nonprofits and numerous scholarships.

american atheistsThe American Atheists organization offers a number of scholarships for student activists who identify as atheists, including the Chinn Scholarships for LGBTQ students. Applicants can be high school students, college and vocational students, and even graduate and law students, especially those working for LGBTQ rights.

American Atheists has been working for more than five decades to protect the rights of atheists and to work for the continued separation of church and state.

zami noblaThe Audre Lorde Scholarship is a unique opportunity for out lesbian black women over 50 to pursue their educational aspirations. Named for famed scholar and author Audre Lorde, the scholarship, sponsored by ZAMI NOBLA, helps women over 50 in technical, college, and graduate school in the US. Applicants should write two short essays and provide three letters of recommendation touching on their contibutions to their community. Awards are at least $1000.

Audre Lorde was not only one of the most influential and courageous voices for civil rights of African-Americans, women, and LGBTQ people, but one of the finest writers and poets of the 20th century.

noglstpThe Out to Innovate Scholarships, offered by the National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals (NOGLSTP), provides generous scholarship awards to LGBTQ students in STEM. Ranging from $1500 for technical schol students to an $8000 first-place award, these scholarships include the Avangrid Scholarship, the BHE Foundation CARES Scholarships, the Aerospace Career Enhancement (ACE) Scholarship, and the Amy A. Ross Scholarship in Bioscience.

NOGLSTP began as a formal organization in 1983, providing a way for LGBTQ scientists, mathematicians, and engineers to offer mutual support in an environment still dominated by homophobia. Since that time, NOGLSTP has worked to promote STEM careers to LGBTQ youth, support LGBTQ scholars and researchers, and protect the civil rights of LGBTQ people.


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