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Best Free Cy­ber­se­cu­ri­ty Courses Online

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Cybersecurity has conventionally been seen as one of those occupations that is more concerned with experience and expertise than with degrees and diplomas. That’s why, even though more cybersecurity professionals are getting associate’s, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees, one of the best places to start a career in cybersecurity is with free online courses. With free courses, investment is minimal, but you can still learn a lot. Many free courses even offer a certificate of completion to put on your resume. 

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Free online cybersecurity courses can be valuable for people just starting their cybersecurity career, and for experienced professionals alike. Free online courses can provide: 

Career Training: Free online cybersecurity courses can help prepare workers for a new career, with foundational courses, basic skills, and useful job training. 

Continuing Education: Experienced cybersecurity professionals can often use free online courses for continuing education credits, or to earn credits toward a specialized certification. 

Develop Skills: Working professionals in cybersecurity can use free online courses to catch up on new developments in the field, such as new programs, innovative ideas, and the most recent threats. 

Transfer to a Degree: Some free online courses can actually be used for transfer credits to a degree, especially if they’re offered by an accredited college. Free transfer credits are invaluable to a student just starting their career who are considering a degree program

The affordability and flexibility of online cybersecurity courses makes them a good investment for a self-motivated student. There is much to learn out there, and all of it can work together to make you a better cybersecurity professional. 

The free online cybersercurity courses below are presented in alphabetical order by title. 

1. Android Forensics & Security Testing

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Android Forensics & Security Testing is one of many free cybersecurity training courses that is designed to help students identify many of the most frequently reported issues concerning Android mobile devices. The course offers a variety of mobile applications to improve security and prevent unwanted access by a third-party. The course is two days long and will provide hands-on training. Students are able to use commercial forensic tools and learn to identify vulnerabilities associated with certain applications. People who take the open security training will also be able to perform code, memory, and file analysis. As a free cybersecurity training course, it is continually being updated to ensure all of the information is as up to date and current as possible.

Open Security Training is a non-profit group that promotes the sharing of information in a global environment. Individuals are allowed to share blogs, content, and coursework over an online format that allows others to easily download and share information. Courses are offered free of charge, but the organization does accept donations.

Platform: Open Security Training

2. Become a SOC Analyst – Level 1


Cybrary offers the best free cybersecurity training courses with a certification for students who are interested in becoming a SOC Analyst (level 1). Those who take the course will learn log analysis, vulnerability scanning, threat intelligence, network monitoring, risk management, network security, and cryptography. In addition to the opportunity to be an SOC Analyst, students can also apply to be a cyber threat analyst or IT security analyst. After completion of the course, students will be able to pass the CompTIA Security+ exam and receive their certification.

Cybrary is a leader in the development of cybersecurity professionals. The organization assists students by offering a hands-on experience which allows them to gain the skills they need to work in the real world. Students learn by interacting with dedicated mentors as well as becoming part of a larger network of cybersecurity professionals. Cybrary offers industry certifications and courses that include practice tests.

Platform: Cybrary

3. Become an Incident Handler

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Cybrary offers students many of the best online cyber security courses with certificates that allow them to become incident handlers. An incident handler is someone who takes over the incident response process. They begin by building an incident response process kit and then putting together a response team. The team then begins working to identify and contain the threat. The incident response handler must also create a recovery process that will assist in rebuilding and restoring whatever was damaged during the threat. This eliminates the current “defense-based” process and includes a defend and recover plan of action.

Cybrary is one of the most well-known when it comes to the development of cybersecurity teaching platforms. Students are taught through role-based educational lessons and are provided with the necessary hands-on skills and experiences they can utilize once they begin working in the real world. The organization offers courses that come complete with practice tests that allow them to receive industry certification.

Platform: Cybrary

4. Build Your Own Cyber Lab at Home

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Udemy offers students fee cybersecurity training courses online that will allow them to build their own cyber lab. The Build Your Own Cyber Lab at Home course gives you all of the information and skills necessary to make your own home laboratory. You will also receive a framework of knowledge that you can build on as you learn new IT and cybersecurity skills. The free version of the course provides you with all of the online content in a video format. In order to talk to an instructor or receive the certificate of completion for passing the class, you will have to pay for the course.

Udemy is a leader when it comes to online courses that involve cybersecurity, web development, data science, and industry certifications. Paid courses start at less than $13 per course. The organization offers over 130,000 courses that are taught in an online format. All courses are developed by experts in their chosen field of study.

Platform: Udemy

5. Cyber Criminals Want Your Information: Stop Them Cold!

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Udemy offers the best free online cyber security courses for students who are interested in learning about cybersecurity and how to protect their confidential information. Cyber Criminals Want Your Information: Stop Them Cold! is an online course that is free to anyone who chooses to enroll. The course teaches how to secure your personal information across all digital formats. This includes password management, encryption, and many other tools that are available for you to use.

Udemy is one of the most widely known of all cyber/IT training companies. The courses they offer online are available to anyone who chooses the free version. Paid versions are also available for students who want to receive a certification of completion and have access to the instructors for question and answer sessions. The courses provided by Udemy are designed to exceed the standards of the IT industry.

Platform: Udemy

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6. Cyber Security (Short Course)

oxford home study

The Cyber Security (Short Course) offered by Oxford Home Study is one of the best free online cyber security training programs available. The course offers all the essential knowledge you will need to protect your confidential information from cyber attacks on many levels. You will learn how to be more aware of potential threats and will be able to identify suspicious activity on your electronic devices. You will be taught the fundamentals associated with containing threats as well as recovery processes that will help you to restore your system.

Oxford Home Study Courses are considered to be some of the best in the industry. Each course is developed by professionals who have both the experience as well as the academic training to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information possible. Courses are designed to lay the essential groundwork that will be needed if a student chooses to enroll in a more advanced IT or cyber security degree/certification program.

Platform: Oxford Home Study

7. Cyber Security Course for Beginners – Level 01

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Udemy offers one of the best free online cyber security training programs for students who are just starting to learn about how to protect their digital files and electronic devices. With the Cyber Security Course for Beginners – Level 01 course, students will learn all the basic security fundamentals that are needed to protect you while they are online performing their day-to-day activities. Students will also be taught how to identify threats and take preventative measures to stop a threat that already may be in progress. All lessons are online in a video format and can be accessed at any time. Free versions of the class only include the online video. Students who choose to pay for the course receive a certificate of completion as well as access to an experienced instructor.

Udemy is one of the most prominent of all the cyber security training companies that offer free online training courses. The company offers over 130,000 online courses that are developed by cyber security professionals with years of experience. The company offers free versions as well as paid versions of each course. Students who take the free courses receive all of the same information as in the paid version, except they do not receive a certificate.

Platform: Udemy

8. Cyber Security for Beginners

heimdal security

Heimdal Security offers the best free online cyber security training courses for individuals who want to be able to protect themselves from cyber attacks. With the Cyber Security for Beginners course, students will learn all the basic fundamentals to protect their PC and other electronic devices from online predators who use cyber attacks to steal your information. The course if five weeks long and provides lessons that are sent directly to your inbox every two days. You will be taught how to identify and contain malicious online threats and prevent them from accessing your confidential files.

Heimdal Security has been in business for almost ten years and was created by a world champion hacker. The ultimate goal was to be able to help others protect themselves from internet thieves who are constantly looking to hack into your personal information and steal it. The company continually updates its course information so that you have all of the most up-to-date and accurate information possible.

Platform: Heimdal Security

9. Cyber Security Foundations: Why Cyber Security is Important

future learn

Future Learn/EC-Council offers the best free online cyber security training courses available to students who have questions about how to protect themselves from hackers and other online predators. By taking Cyber Security Fundamentals: Why Cyber Security Is Important, students are able to learn how hackers steal their information and gain access to all of their personal files. With this course, Future Learn/EC-Council offers all of the basic information that you will need to fully understand how to secure your information and prevent an online predator from gaining access to your electronic devices. You will be able to identify potential threats and learn what steps you will need to take to recover your information if your accounts are breached.

At Future Learn/EC-Council, you will receive instruction from many top universities. Courses are taught by professionals and industry experts. Courses are extremely flexible and are 100% online. The organization offers a 7-day free trial that will allow you to explore all of your options and choose the courses that work for you.

Platform: Future Learn/EC-Council

10. Cybersecurity for Business Specialization

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Coursera/University of Colorado provides the best free online cyber security courses available for students who are interested in learning more about the field of cyber security. With the Cybersecurity for Business Specialization, students learn first-hand the importance of protecting your business’ interests. You will be taught how to identify potential vulnerabilities within your network’s system as well as how to identify threats and malicious files. You will learn how to contain cyber threats and minimize any possible damage that may occur.

Coursera/University of Colorado is one of the most well-respected of all the cyber security training companies that offer online courses. The University of Colorado continues to update courses that are being offered. Students have access to all the lessons through an online learning platform. By enrolling in the free cyber security courses students can lay the groundwork they need if they choose to enroll in a certification or degree program involving cyber security or other similar programs.

Platform: Coursera/University of Colorado

11. Cybersecurity: Beginner


Skillsoft is offering the best free online cyber security training courses for students who work on their own or with large organizations and require at least a beginner’s level of knowledge when it comes to cyber security. Students learn what types of security threats are out there and how to identify them. They also learn how to put specific types of protection in place so that hackers cannot gain access to your confidential information. Skills are also provided that allow students to recover their files if they are damaged. The courses provide all the basic skills that will be required to give students an understanding of what cyber attacks are and how to prevent them.

Skillsoft is a leader in the field of cyber security and is used by many large non-profits to provide cyber security training to their members. The organization provides lessons that have been developed by industry leaders who specialize in cyber security. Courses are developed so that students who take them have all the skills they need to at least lay the foundation for future learning and to protect their personal information.

Platform: Skillsoft

12. The Cyber Security Landscape

future learn

Future Learn/Coventry University offers free online cyber security training programs for students who are interested in learning about how to protect themselves from cyber attacks. The Cyber Security Landscape is a free online course offered by Future Learn/Coventry University. It teaches what cyber security is, how to identify potential threats, and also how to develop a security profile that is both effective and reliable. The course is two weeks long and takes up approximately 5 hours per week. There is a 7-day free trial period.

Future Learn/Coventry University offers online courses that specialize in cyber security and defending against various types of cyber attacks. Students receive a 7-day free trial for the course of their choice. The courses are taught by experts with industry experience. Classes are 100% online and taught in conjunction with many of the most popular universities.

Platform: Future Learn/Coventry University

13. Ethical Hacking


Skillsoft provides many of the best free online cyber security courses available for students who are interested in gaining a firm understanding of how ethical hacking works. Ethical Hacking: Intermediate is unique in that it teaches someone how to break into their own system. Ethical hacking shows companies and individuals how to find vulnerabilities in their own systems or network by using the same skills that unethical hackers use. This type of hacking allows the weaknesses to be found and corrected before a predator can break in and do any type of damage.

Skillsoft is one of the most respected organizations in the field when it comes to cyber security training programs. All of the courses offered are developed by IT professionals who have years of experience in the field and are able to offer students the most up-to-date and accurate information possible. Skillsoft is used by many large companies to train employees and members on cyber security topics.

Platform: Skillsoft

14. Federal Virtual Training Environment (FedVTE)


NICCS, or National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Study, offers many of the best free online cyber security training courses to both government employees and the public at large. The Federal Virtual Training Environment (FedVTE) course is available to students who want to learn more about cyber security and how they can protect themselves from the different forms of cyber attacks. Many topics are covered within this platform involving over 800 hours worth of actual class time. Courses range from beginning to advanced and are considered to be prep courses for many different types of certifications.

The NICCS has developed this massive learning environment for students who want to become more knowledgeable when it comes to cyber security. Classes include information on ethical hacking, the fundamentals of cyber security, and how to identify potential threats. Students can complete these courses over their mobile device or a PC.

Platform: NICCS (National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Study)

15. The Future of Cyber Security and Emerging Technologies

future learn

Future Learn/Coventry University offers the best free online cyber security courses available to students who are interested in learning about cyber security. The Future of Cyber Security and Emerging Technologies is an online course that lasts for 2 weeks and takes approximately 5 hours per week to complete. The course is 100% online and can be accessed for free over the school’s online learning platform. The course covers different technologies and the many challenges they pose in terms of cyber security. It also offers many cyber solutions to potential threats that you may not be aware of.

Future Learn/Coventry University offers a large selection of online courses specializing in cyber security, emerging technologies, and reliable solutions. Future Learn offers a 7-day free trial so that students can try the course. After the 7-day trial students must pay to continue and finish the class. The courses offered by the organization are developed by IT professionals with years of experience.

Platform: Future Learn/Coventry University

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16. Hacker101


Hacker 101 offers many of the best online free cyber security courses that teach students how to evaluate their own web security protocols. With Hacker 101, students are given the necessary skills to begin “hacking” into their own network to better able to identify potential weaknesses and vulnerable areas that may make it easier for malicious hackers to break-in to your network. With this course, you are able to identify potential threats and determine how they will interact with your network. This gives you an opportunity to learn how to resolve any weaknesses and add security protocols to protect your system and confidential information.

Hacker101 was developed by IT professionals who wanted to teach others how to protect both their information as well as their network from malicious hackers and unwanted internet predators. Video lessons offer guides and online resources to help students gain a solid understanding of what cyber security is and how to protect their networks and electronic devices from malicious activities.

Platform: Hacker101

17. Hacking Techniques and Intrusion Detection

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Open Security Training offers many of the best free online cyber security training courses for students who want to learn how to detect if hackers are trying to access their system. Hacking Techniques and Intrusion Detection is a class that shows students different hacking techniques that they can use to determine if someone or something is trying to break into their network. Intrusion detection skills are also taught that will notify the student if unwanted predators are trying to break into your network or access your confidential information.

Open Security Training is well-known for many of its free online cyber security courses. Courses are developed by trained professionals who have years of experience in the field of cyber security. Courses are designed to provide students with the information they need to protect themselves and their networks from online predators and identify various hacking tactics that may be used. Students are able to access the courses online at any time.

Platform: Open Security Training

18. Intro to Cyber Security

eleven fifty

Eleven Fifty Academy offers students the best free online cyber security training courses. The Intro to Cyber Security course provides students with the basic information they will need to either protect themselves from cyber attack or get the information they need to start a career in the field of cyber security. The introduction course offers students all of the basic information they will need to identify potential threats to their network and establish reliable security protocols that will protect them from unwanted predators from gaining access.

Eleven Fifty Academy is one of the most well-known and well-respected when it comes to offering online coursework for students interested in cyber security and the technology that is used to provide cyber solutions. The courses are developed by professionals who work in the IT field and have experience in working with cyber security issues and protocols.

Platform: Eleven Fifty Academy

19. Introduction to Cellular Security

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Open Security Training offers many of the best free online cyber security courses for students who want to learn how to protect their cell phones and other mobile devices from cyber attacks. The Introduction to Cellular Security course gives students an understanding of how cellular networks work and how they connect to the internet. Students become familiar with core concepts that include the infrastructure of the network, as well as the standards associated with their operations.

Open Security Training gives students the skills they need to identify potential weaknesses in how their cell phones and other mobile devices work. Each course is developed by professional cyber security specialists who are available to teach classes in an online format. Students can use the information they receive through the courses to understand how their devices work. They can also use the information to build the foundation for future classes they will need to build a career in cyber security.

Platform: Open Security Training

20. Introduction to Cyber Security

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Coursera/NYU offers many of the best online cyber security training courses for students who are possibly considering a career in the IT field. The Introduction to Cyber Security Specialization gives students the most basic information they will need to protect their systems and networks from hackers and other unwanted predators. Students are taught about the latest technologies and how hackers are using them to access confidential files and information. They are also taught to identify various threats and utilize security measures to prevent unauthorized access.

Coursera/NYU is one of the most well-respected training organizations that offer cyber security training programs to the public. The courses are taught free of charge and provide students with the basic information they will need to protect themselves from malicious viruses or hackers who are trying to gain access to their networks or specific file groups. Students often take the free online courses and then use that information as the groundwork to build a solid career in cyber security.

Platform: Coursera/NYU

21. Introduction to Cyber Security: Stay Safe Online

open university

Open University provides students with the best online free cyber security training courses available. The Introduction to Cyber Security: Stay Safe Online course offers the basic knowledge that the student will need to protect their network and their devices from the efforts of hackers who are trying to gain access to their confidential information. Students are provided up-to-date and accurate information on how to identify potential threats and create effective cyber solutions that will protect their families as they surf the web.

Open University provides free online cyber security courses that are developed to provide the public with the information they need to maintain a secure network both at home as well as with their mobile devices. Courses are developed to provide students with what they need to create security solutions to protect themselves from data breaches and other security issues. Students can use the courses to start building a knowledge base that they can use if they choose to enroll in a cyber security degree online.

Platform: Open University

22. Introduction to IT & Cybersecurity

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Cybrary offers the best online free cyber security training courses for students who are interested in learning about cybersecurity and the IT field. The Introduction to IT & Cybersecurity course provides students with a basic understanding of what is involved when working in the IT field and the importance of using reliable and effective cybersecurity protocols. Students are able to use the information they gain through the course for their own personal use or they can use it to build a knowledge base that they can use if they choose to return to school to earn a degree.

Cybrary is a leader in the IT field when it comes to teaching students the most accurate and up-to-date information over an online learning platform. Every course is developed to provide valuable information that can be used to prevent cyber attacks and improve cyber security measures. Students have access to reliable resources that help them to understand the concepts they are learning.

Platform: Cybrary

23. Managing Cybersecurity Specialization

University of Georgia logo from website

Coursera/University of Georgia offers the best free cyber security training courses for students who are interested in learning as much as possible about cybersecurity. The Managing Cybersecurity Specialization provides the skills that are needed to manage a cyber environment. The student will learn cybersecurity protocols as well as how to identify potential hackers and their unique signatures. They will also be given the management tools they need to create effective cyber solutions that will prevent future cyber attacks. The specialization moves the student forward into the intermediate category.

Coursera/University of Georgia is one of the best platforms for learning about cyber security protocols. The organization provides students with the framework they need to turn their knowledge about cyber security and protocols into a lifelong career. Well-known IT professionals develop the courses and provide accurate updates to each one as they are needed.

Platform: Coursera/University of Georgia

24. SANS Cyber Aces

sans institute

SANS Institute offers free cyber security training courses that students can use in both their personal lives as well as in their careers. The SANS Cyber Aces courses provide students with the information they need to understand cybersecurity and how to protect their networks and devices from cyber attacks. The courses also include how to secure a network and create new security protocols that are in line with the advancements in technology. The courses can be used by both teachers and students to reinforce what they have already learned.

SANS Institute is the leader in its field when it comes to producing valuable online courses that provide up-to-date, accurate information. Students are able to take their courses online and at their own pace. The organization has won awards for its cyber security programs and online courses they offer to students.

Platform: SANS Institute

25. Security Core Concepts: Security+


Skillsoft provides students with free cyber security training courses that they can use to move from a novice level to intermediate status. The Security Core Concepts: Security+ (Intermediate) course is designed to take the student to the next level when it comes to understanding the more advanced levels of cyber security. Students are able to take the skills they learned in the beginner’s course and add to them. This enables them to move onto more complex issues relating to cyber attacks and the solutions the student will need to create in order to protect their system.

Skillsoft is one of the most advanced when it comes to creating the best possible free online courses for students who are interested in building a career in the IT or cybersecurity field. Skillsoft is the organization of choice for many large organizations when it comes to creating valuable coursework for students and members of their organization. These courses are available for students who are interested in taking cyber security courses.

Platform: Skillsoft


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