Best Online Degrees for Working Adults
Top Career Change Ideas
The best colleges for adults returning to school are part of a sea change in the workforce and in higher education. Competition on the job market only increases each year, and workers who only have a high school diploma are at a disadvantage. The median earnings of workers with a bachelor's degree is 67% higher . . . Read More

10 Highest Paying Jobs in Healthcare
Best Paying Jobs in Health Care
Interested in a career or degree in healthcare? Here's our list of the best paying jobs in the healthcare industry. 1. Physician and Surgeon The median pay for physicians and surgeons is $208,000 per year. This averages out to $100 per hour. Not a bad salary and this clearly makes sense to be #1 on . . . Read More

10 Highest Paying Jobs With a Psychology Degree
Best Psychology Jobs
Over 40 million American adults suffer from mental illness every year with approximately 10 million of these individuals living with serious mental illnesses. Others do not suffer from severe illnesses but fight against the regular daily stressors that leave them feeling stressed, anxious, depressed or even a little panicky at times. In fact, anxiety is . . . Read More

10 Highest Paying Jobs for Women
Although women are still underrepresented in the best paying careers, the proverbial glass ceiling is far more fragile than it was a few decades ago. Women were once relegated to low-paying jobs that supported their husband's income, but rarely surpassed it. Various factors such as child-rearing, chauvinism, gender bias, and a lack of access to . . . Read More

Ultimate Guide to Online Degree Completion Programs
Most adults that have begun the journey of achieving a four-year bachelor's degree understand the challenges first hand. The first-timer student faces the hurdles most people face as full-time students range from financial, family, or sudden life changes. Being forced to leave behind one to three years of credits that have been left in limbo. . . . Read More

How Does a Degree Completion Program Work?
Just like all academic programs, degree completion options come in so many shapes and sizes. They all share the commonality that they were designed to support students who have started an academic degree and want to finish up. Many degree completion programs are designed for those who have let their education lapse for many years . . . Read More

Best Business Podcasts by Women
Top Business Podcasts hosted by Women
Podcasts are a great way to broaden your mind and expand your knowledge on a variety of subjects without the investment of a lot of time or money. Our Best Business Podcasts by Women list is an excellent resource for those who are working towards their business degree, in the corporate world, or just stepping . . . Read More

Best Green Business Podcasts
Top Podcasts at the Intersection of Business and Environmental Sustainability
Ask around, and you will realize that podcasts are here to stay for listeners looking to be informed and entertained. You can listen to them while washing the dishes, walking the dog, or while waiting for your child in the carpool line. Whether you are looking to grow your business, learning from top international business . . . Read More

10 Highest Paying Jobs in Education
In general, most careers in education will require an associate's degree or higher. If you want to be rewarded for your hard work, the following 10 jobs are the best options in this field. You can also expect higher pay as you gain more experience in education. There are many rewarding jobs in the field . . . Read More

Finding Remote Opportunities to Advance Your Career
Secure the Bag from Home
COVID-19 is causing major disruptions in how businesses/organizations operate. The structure of many organizations are changing, which means approaches to these organizations will change. Finding opportunities isn’t impossible, but will require one to be mindful of how to effectively increase opportunities in their career. Many companies are offering remote opportunities. Here are 3 strategies that . . . Read More

What MBA Has The Highest Salary?
Higher salaries and overall better job prospects are one of the reasons that people choose to pursue a masters of business administration (MBA). Looking at the statistics, it's clear that an MBA can open doors and lead to greater opportunities. In fact, an MBA degree can lead to an 80% increase in salary upon graduation. . . . Read More

25 Highest-Paying Alternative Careers for Teachers
Teacher burnout is a very real phenomenon, pushing many teachers to leave the profession every year, but what you might not realize is how many skills learned in education degree programs and on the job can transfer to alternative careers. What is a teacher, after all, but a project manager, HR rep, life coach, motivational . . . Read More

What is an IEP and 504 Plan?
There are so many things to learn when you are engaging with any discipline. The field of special education is no different. There is lingo that practitioners speak and there are resources that are critical to be aware of in order to best support your students and to make your life easier as well. If . . . Read More

What is the Praxis Test?
When talking about becoming a teacher we all hear constantly about the Praxis test. Many people fear it; many people take classes to prepare for it; and many people are just not sure what it actually is. Hopefully, we will answer some of those questions here to support you on your path of becoming a . . . Read More

What Education Do You Need to Become a Teacher?
Teachers have a big responsibility in this world. They are in the spotlight a lot more in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic as some of our unsung heroes. They are known for being flexible, working way more hours then they are paid, having a love of their subject, and ultimately a love for children. . . . Read More

What's the Difference Between Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education?
When thinking about early childhood education vs elementary education, one can deduce by the names that the two disciplines must have lots of crossover, and they do. However, the varied fields focus on specific age groups, which at those particular stages in development are pretty significant. There are many ways to prepare for careers in . . . Read More

10 Highest Paying Careers for Introverts
Great Jobs for Quiet People
Introverts are generally described as people who thrive on their own and who feel drained when they must interact often with other people. While introverts often get a bad rap, they should simply be seen as people who are energized in quiet spaces and during alone time rather than in loud, large social gatherings. Although . . . Read More

10 Highest Paying Jobs for Felons
If you have a felony conviction on your record, getting ahead in life can seem like an impossible task to achieve. Many companies automatically disqualify people with felony convictions. Depending on your state and the nature of the crimes of which the court convicted you, you might not be eligible to get government assistance, leaving . . . Read More

10 Highest Paying Jobs for Millenials
Millennials are usually defined as those individuals born between 1980 and 1996. While the specific dates may vary, this generation, sometimes called Generation Y, differs significantly from its parent generation, known as Generation X. Generation X individuals certainly saw many cultural and societal changes as they grew into adulthood. However, Millennials have seen even more . . . Read More

Best Online Degrees for Veterans and Active Duty Personnel
Top Jobs After the Military
Enlisting and starting your career in the military does not mean you must give up on your education. Military veterans and active duty personnel have opportunities for their long-term goals and career aspirations by taking online courses and obtaining a degree. The key is finding the right program to help you accomplish your goals while . . . Read More